1.0.4 • Published 10 months ago
lane-test v1.0.4
Screen Shot
Website domain
- CN: www.openapi-ui.com, support http,https
- US: doc.openapi-ui.com
- US2: docs.openapi-ui.com
Quick start
# node version >= 18
# download node_modules
pnpm install
# or make install
# start
npm run dev
# or make dev
Some script
# build
npm run build
# or make build
# make docker image
make docker-build
# run docker image
make docker-run
# make docker image and run docker image
make docker-build-run
Support data format
- swagger2.json/swagger2.yml
- openapi3.json/openapi3.yml
How to use
- enter swagger2/openapi3 api gateway URL, refresh the page to update the interface
- upload swagger2/openapi3 file
- enter swagger2/openapi3 text
Global config
- supports configure request timeout, the default request timeout is 2 minutes
- supports configure request Authorization, Authorization can be overridden in the current request
Share URL
- url can only be shared when imported through url mode
- copy the url and share it with those who need it, they can echo the url to the specified interface
Mock request params
- if the schema contains the format field, then use openapi-sampler to mock request params
- if the schema does not contain the format field, then use faker to mock request params
Request error message display rules
- if the returned structure contains a message field, display the message field
- if the returned structure contains a msg field, display the msg field
- if the returned result is a string, display the string
- display AxiosResponse.statusText field
- display AxiosError.message field
Connect intranet api
- if unable to connect intranet api, you can run this project locally or use docker to deploy this project locally or on the server
Support multiple api gateway URL
- the caching strategy used is session storage, so you can open multiple pages at the same time
Docker deploy, support env variable injection
# pull Docker image
docker pull ghcr.io/rookie-luochao/openapi-ui:latest
# start container, nginx reverse proxy custom port, for example: docker run -d -p 8081:80 ghcr.io/rookie-luochao/openapi-ui:latest
docker run -d -p 80:80 -e APP_CONFIG=env=zh,appNameZH=简洁美观的接口文档 ghcr.io/rookie-luochao/openapi-ui:latest
Node version
node >= 18