1.0.4 • Published 7 years ago

laravel-elixir-react-hmr v1.0.4

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Last release
7 years ago


Working demo : laravel-elixir-react-hmr-demo

This is for development only. Should not be used on production servers.

For one of my projects, I planned to use Laravel for backend and React for frontend. I decided to use Webpack for bundling all my JS files (to use features like HMR and React Hot Loader for development) and Laravel Elixir for all other assets (css, images, fonts, etc.). I also wanted to use BrowserSync for laravel livereloads and multi-device testing. Thus, I wanted to connect Webpack bundler with Laravel and serve it using BrowserSync.

Jeffery Way has created official Webpack and BrowserSync extensions for Laravel. His Webpack extension does not support webpack-dev-server, HMR and React Hot Loader. Also there is no support for connecting the Webpack output to BrowserSync. I was not able to find any article or package that achieved this. Therefore I decided to develop a Laravel Elixir extension for it.

I am a self-learned programmer/developer and this is my first public package.


  • Laravel 5+ backend server and React frontend
  • Webpack for Javascript compilation and Laravel Elixir for all non-JS assets
  • Multiple input JS files supported (for multi-page application)
  • BrowserSync support (LiveReload non-JS assets, multi-device testing)
  • ES6 and React compilation using Babel
  • Webpack hot module replacement and hot loading of React components (React Hot Loader 3)


At the moment, users cannot change or provide custom Webpack and BrowserSync configuration.

Step 1 : Install

npm i -D laravel-elixir-react-hmr

Step 2 : Setup

// Add to gulpfile.js

Use just like any other Laravel Elixir tasks i.e. mix.taskName(options)

elixir(function(mix) {

The config options are provided in the form of Javascript object.


// The values given below are the default values
    // The URL of your Laravel dev server
    proxy: 'homestead.app',
    // List of relative paths (w.r.t '/resources/assets/js') of the input Javascript files
    inputFiles: [
    // The relative path (w.r.t '/public/js') of the bundled JS output folder
    // The output dir must always be inside the '/public' directory as the application is served from the '/public' dir
    outputDir: './',
    // IP address to use for BrowserSync external URL (used for multi-device access)
    //      Sometimes BrowserSync sets the wrong IP address and external URL doesn't work.
    host: ''

Step 3 : Running

To start the BrowserSync server

gulp watch

Open http://localhost:3000 in your browser to load the app. Does not work in IE


  • Wrapper must be added to the root React component for hot reloading to work (read details)
  • Changes to PHP files will reload the page and the React state would be lost.

Future features

  • Bundling JS for production
  • Custom Webpack config
  • Custom BrowserSync config