0.0.4 • Published 9 years ago

laravue v0.0.4

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9 years ago

Laravue - a sensible starting point for single-page apps

Note: The vast majority of the functionality of this project has essentially been added into the Laravel Framework's scaffolding system. This project is no longer continued. See Laravel's website for more information.


Laravue is a fork of the Laravel framework. It includes the vue js framework for the front end, and contains much of the boilerplate required for using it.

If you like this, be sure to watch this repo's package equivelent. Same features, but you can pull it in as a package!


  1. Clone the repository.
  2. CD into the repo.
  3. Run npm install. This installs all of Vue's dependencies.
  4. Run composer install. This installs all of Laravel's dependencies.
  5. Run cp .env.example .env. This enables your env files to set your app into local mode.
  6. Run php artisan key:generate. This generates a secure cipher key for encrypting your data.
  7. Run php artisan serve. This serves your application to the browser. You can also use Homestead, LAMP, WAMP, etc.
  8. In a new tab/window, run npm run watch in the same directory. This compiles your Vue resources, and automaticly runs whenever you save a file! You can also use npm run build to do a one-time build of your javascript assets.
  9. Hack something great!


Wondering what the plans are for Laravue? Check out this list to see where we're going with it!

  • JWT Tokens
  • Vanilla Version
  • Authentication API
  • Better documentation site
  • Lumen build for lightweight sites
  • CLI for building views and components
  • Composer tool to create new projects using laravue new project
  • Composer create-project tool for an alternative way of starting off.
  • Custom Elixir plugin to make this possible instead of npm scripts. mix.laravue('app.js').
  • Automated syncing with main Laravel repo. Right now I manually sync the fork then push to Github.
  • Async callback anonymous function for call method, basically "OK thing happened here's what I do now that it's done."


Laravue gives you a few things that may not sound like much, but are really the foundations of any app you may build:

  1. a standard way to communicate from app -> view
  2. a standard way to communicate from view -> app
  3. a standard way to communicate from components -> view
  4. a standard way to communicate from components -> app

Why would we want these features? Suppose we want to change the currentView from within a view. Right now, there’s no easy way to do that. Using my setup, we can just run @app.laravue.view ‘awesome’ .

Another example is if you want to have one user object served up from the backend that can be accessed application-wide. Just add it to the data object of your main app and it can be accessed from views using @app.user !

For more about this implementation of front-end architecture, check out this post in Laravel News

Methods (on laravue object)


This method changes the view component's currentView to the argument you passed it. The function will automatically add -view to the end of the name you pass it. If you're using coffeescript, like I suggest, you can just run @app.laravue.view 'about' and it will take you to the about page. If not, just run this.app.laravue.view('about');.

call(view, method, args...)

This method calls a method on another view, regardless of whether or not it's already loaded. If it is loaded, Laravue goes ahead and calls it. If not, we wait for the view to be loaded, then run the function. The first argument is the name of the view that you want to have a method called on. The second one is the name of the method you want run. Any arguments after that are passed into the method as arguments using javascript magic closures! To use it, go @app.laravue.call('contacts', 'load'). If you want to pass arguments, just go @app.laravue.call('contacts', 'load', 'russweas@gmail.com'). The third paramater, my email, will be passed into the load() method on the contacs-view component. For example, you might have:

module.exports =
    load: (email) ->
      console.log email
  ready: () -> require '../view-ready.coffee'.call this # required for laravue to work
  props: ['app'] # if you want to use @app from within the view

goToAnd(view, name, args...)

goToAnd() is just a shorter way of running call() then view(). Really useful for most use case scenarios!

Creating a new element component

First, create a new file in the resources/assets/js/components directory called my-component.coffee. Put all functionality in an object which you set to module.exports. If you want HTML for this element, create a my-component.template.html in the same directory. In the object your created in the .coffee, add a template key, and set it equal to a require statement to the template file. Also, in case you're wondering, shadow DOM is not enabled, but it shouldn't be too hard to set up (no promises). Then, go to the file components.coffee. Duplicate the latest line underneath components and rename it to suite your file you just created. The key you give it will be what you instantiate it with in html, i.e. if it's my-component you use <my-component> in HTML. The value should be a require statement pointing to the file. That's it, that easily can now start using your own element anywhere in your app!

Creating a new view component

To create a new view component, first create a file in resources/assets/js/views called about.coffee, replacing about with the name you want your view to have. Paste the following code into it:

module.exports =
    ready: () -> require '../view-ready.coffee'.call this
    props: ['app']

Go into components.coffee and duplicate the last line under views. Replace the relevant fields with links to your new view. Be sure to keep the -view at the end of the key! This differentiates your view from stand-alone elements. Next, go into your app.js and add the name of your view to the init method called on the laravue instance. Your view should now be up and working! To test it out, go into laravue.coffee and on line 3, change the name of currentView to be your new view, again, keep the -view. To test it out, just go into a browser and refresh!

If you have any questions just open an issue or contact me on twitter @russweas and I'll be glad to help!

Official Documentation

Documentation for the framework can be found on the Laravue website.


Contributing is easy! Just open a Pull Request and tell me why I should accept it.

Security Vulnerabilities

If you discover a vulnerability in Laravue itself, contact me at russweas@gmail.com and open an issue.

If you discover a security vulnerability within Laravel, please send an e-mail to Taylor Otwell at taylor@laravel.com. All security vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed.


The Laravue framework is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license. Credit to Taylor Otwell for the creation of Laravel and Evan You for the creation of Vue JS!


9 years ago


9 years ago


9 years ago


9 years ago