0.1.0 • Published 2 years ago

latecmds v0.1.0

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Last release
2 years ago

��# latecmdslogo

A command handler for Discord.JS v13 bots.


This documentation may or may not be hard to keep up (at least to me when editing this).

This command handler will only work with javascript files and not typescript. (Feature will come in the future)


Table of Contents



npm i latecmds

Setting up

After you install the package, you will need to add it to your bot.

const Discord = require("discord.js")
const client = new Discord.Client({
    intents: 513
const latecmds = require("latecmds")

client.on("ready", () => {
    new latecmds(client, {
        prefix: "!", // Default will be ?
        commandsDir: "cmds", // Default will be "commands"
        featuresDir: "feats", // Default will be "features"
        mongoUri: "MongoDB URI", // Needed for guild prefixes and cooldowns
        dbOptions: {
            keepAlive: true,
            useNewUrlParser: true,
            useUnifiedTopology: true
        }, // MongoDB options, Default will be keepAlive
        showWarns: false, // Default will be true
        categories: [
                name: "Fun",
                emoji: "=��"
                name: "Utility",
                emoji: "=�'�",
                hidden: true // Hidden categories will only show when an admin/bot owner uses the help command
        ], // 2 default catergories being "Config" and "Help"
        color: 0x00FF00, // Default will be 0x7289DA
        botOwner: ["454882470306113872"],
        testServers: ["153841427033895615"],


Creating a command

After you set up latecmds, add a js file in the commandsDir folder.

// ping.js
module.exports = {
    start: ({ message, args }) => {

When running !ping, it will send "Pong!".

If you want to specify a name for the command, you can pass in the "name" property.

// ping.js
module.exports = {
    name: "ping",
    start: ({ message, args }) => {

Command arguments

You can add arguments to your commands.

// ping.js
module.exports = {
    minArgs: 1, // Default will be 0
    maxArgs: -1, // Default will be 0, -1 means unlimited
    start: ({ message, args }) => {
        message.channel.send(`Pong! + ${args.join(" ")}`)

Command Aliases

Aliases for the same command

// ping.js
module.exports = {
    aliases: ["p"],
    start: ({ message, args }) => {

The command can be ran by using !ping or !p.

Command Categories and Description

Category is a way to organize commands.

Description is a way to describe the command.

Both are used in the help command.

Both are required for slash commands in the future.

// ping.js
module.exports = {
    category: "Fun",
    description: "Test command!",
    start: ({ message, args }) => {

Command Permissions

Command permissions are used to determine if a user can run a command according to their permissions.


// ping.js
module.exports = {
    permissions: ["MANAGE_MESSAGES"],
    start: ({ message, args }) => {

Bot Owner Only Commands

Self explanatory, only the bot owner can use these commands.

First you need to declare one or more user ids in the botOwner array.

new latecmds(client, {
    botOwner: ["454882470306113872", "218404789723493888"],

Then you can use the botOwner option like so:

module.exports = {
    botOwner: true,
    start: ({ message, args }) => {
        message.channel.send("You are the bot owner!")

Test Server Commands

Similar to bot owner commands, but only for test servers.

Declare one or more server ids in the testServers array.

new latecmds(client, {
    testServers: ["153841427033895615", "732956239079181824"],

Then you can use the testServers option like so:

module.exports = {
    testServers: true,
    start: ({ message, args }) => {
        message.channel.send("You are in a test server!")

Command Cooldowns

Command cooldowns are used to prevent a user from spamming a command.

Bot owners bypass cooldowns.

They can use the cooldown option like so:

module.exports = {
    cooldown: "5s", // 5 seconds
    start: ({ message, args }) => {

Cooldown types are:


Global Command Cooldowns

Like command cooldowns, but for everyone in a guild.

They can use the globalCooldown option like so:

module.exports = {
    globalCooldown: "5s", // 5 seconds
    start: ({ message, args }) => {

Types are the same as above.

Disabling a command

You can use a command that is built in to disable it.

[PREFIX]command {Disable/Enable} [command]

Creating a feature

Making a feature is as easy and similar as making a command (and pie! not included.)

Make a js file in the featuresDir folder.

// log.js
module.exports = (client) => {
    client.on("messageCreate", (message) => {
        console.log(`${message.author.tag}: ${message.content}`)

A feature is actively running while the bot is online.

Configuring a feature

Coming soon!

Disabling a feature

Similar to disabling a command.

You can use a built in command to disable a feature.

[PREFIX]feature {Disable/Enable} [command]