0.8.1 • Published 19 days ago

laureate-rn-ui v0.8.1

Weekly downloads
Last release
19 days ago


This library is a collection of React Native components designed to build consistent user interfaces following Laureate Design System


To install in your React Native project, run:

yarn add @studentjourney/sj-component-rn-library
pod install


import React from 'react';
import {View} from 'react-native';

import {Button} from '@studentjourney/sj-component-rn-library';

const App = () => {
    return (
        <Button />

export default App;


What are the steps to use this library?

First, you have to install the library in your project. As it is a private library hosted in Google Cloud, you would need to log in to Google Cloud first. You can use the following command to do this:

npm run ar-login

This command, which is defined in our package.json, uses npx google-artifactregistry-auth --repo-config=.npmrc to authenticate with Google Cloud.

How do I install and configure the library?

Since this is an internal library, it's hosted on our private Google Cloud repository. You can install it by running

npm install @studentjourney/sj-component-rn-library


yarn add @studentjourney/sj-component-rn-library

in your project root. Make sure to configure your project's .npmrc or .yarnrc file to include our Google Cloud repository.

How can I update the library to the latest version?


npm update @studentjourney/sj-component-rn-library

Please ensure that you have authenticated with Google Cloud before attempting to update, as the library is hosted there.

What platforms does this library support?

This library supports both Android and iOS platforms.

How can I theme my components?

We have included a set of pre-built themes that you can use out-of-the-box. To use a theme, simply import the ThemeProvider and pass the name in the theme prop also you can use the useTheme hook.

I found a bug, how can I report it?

We're sorry to hear that you've encountered a problem. Please create a ticket in our internal issue tracker describing the bug, the expected behavior, and steps to reproduce it.

I'm experiencing issues or have questions about the library, how can I get support?

Since this is an internal library, you can reach out directly to our development team via our internal communication channels. Please describe your problem in detail, and we'll try our best to assist you.

How is the library versioned?

e follow semantic versioning (SemVer) for this library. Each release will increment one of three numbers: Major (breaking changes), Minor (new features), and Patch (bug fixes).

How often do you release updates?

We aim to release updates on a sprint(2 weeks) basis, but this can vary depending on the nature of any bugs discovered or features being developed.

Are there any plans for future features or improvements?

While we can't share specific details, we are always working on improving our library and adding new features. Stay tuned for our updates through our internal communication channels!

Are there any restrictions on the use of the library?

There are no specific restrictions on using the library within our organization, but please adhere to our internal coding and use standards.

How can I get access to the Google Cloud repository to download the library?

If you are a new user, you need to request access to our Google Cloud repository. Please contact our IT department or your project manager to initiate this process.