0.6.2 • Published 12 years ago

lazorse v0.6.2

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12 years ago


Lazorse is a connect middleware stack with a strong emphasis on extensibility that routes requests, coerces parameters, dispatches to handlers, and renders a response. It borrows heavily from other awesome nodejs web frameworks but with a couple of twists designed to make writing machine-consumable ReSTful APIs a little easier. Because it's all "just middleware", you can also pull out and re-arrange the various pieces to better suit the needs of your application.


The most unusual piece of lazorse is the route syntax: it's the same as the draft spec for URI templates, but layers parameter matching semantics on top. (There are more details and disclaimers at the bottom of this document).

Lazorse by default owns the index (/) route. This route responds to GET with an array of all named routes with their URI template and other metadata, such as a description and examples if they are available. So an app with a single route like:

greetingLookup = english: "Hi", french: "Salut"

@route '/{language}/greeting':
  description: "Retrieve or store per-language greetings"
  shortName: 'localGreeting'
  GET: -> @ok greetingLookup[@language]
  POST: -> greetingLookup[@language] = @req.body; @ok()

Will return an array that looks like this:

    "template": "/{language}/greetings", 
    "description": "Retrieve or store per-language greetings",
    "shortName": "localGreeting",
    "methods": ["GET", "POST"]

All of the keys are optional, but chances are you want to include at least one HTTP method handler, or your route will be unreachable. Also, remember that a route without a shortName will not show up in the index.


Coercions are a direct rip-off of Express' app.param functionality. You can declare a coercion callback anywhere in your app, and it will be called whenever a URI template matches a parameter of the same name. For example:

@coerce language: (lang, next) ->
  lang = lang.toLowerCase()
  if lang not in greetings
    next new Error "Invalid language!"
    next null, lang

Will ensure that only pre-defined languages are allowed to reach the actual handler functions.

Handlers and environments

Of course you're probably wondering about those handler functions. Each handler function is called with this bound to a context containing the following keys:

  • req and res: request and response objects direct from connect.
  • data and ok: Callbacks that will set res.data for the rendering layer. (Don't worry, that's next). The only difference is that ok does not handle errors, it only accepts a single argument and assumes that's what you want to return to the client. data on the other hand, will treat the first argument as an error in the idiomatic node style.
  • link: Takes a route shortName and a context object and returns the result of expanding the corresponding URI template in that context.

Although the example handlers have taken no parameters, lazorse does pass them one parameter: the request context. This is meant to enable fat-arrow handlers in situations where that's more convenient.


Lazorse includes no templating. Instead, rendering is handled as another middleware in the stack. The default rendering middleware supports JSON and (very ugly) HTML. It inspects the Accept header to see what the client wants, and falls back to JSON when it can't provide it. You can easily add or override the renderer for a new content type like so:

render = require('lazorse/render')
render['application/vnd.wonka-ticket'] = (req, res, next) ->
  ticket = res.data
  res.write bufferOverflowThatTransportsClientToTheChocolateFactory()
  res.end "pwnd"

Obviously, your own renderers would do something actually useful. In addition to res.data, Lazorse will add a req.route property that is the route object that serviced the request. This could be used to do something like look up a template or XML schema with req.route.shortName.

Error handling

Lazorse exports a few custom error constructors and includes an errorHandler middleware in it's stack that will recognize these errors and react appropriately. If the passErrors property of the app is set to true, Lazorse will pass unrecognized errors on to the next middleware in the stack, otherwise it will return a generic 500 response.

Including Example Requests

Lazorse can load a JSON file defining example requests against your API, and attach that information to the routes themselves so that it will be included in the route index.

Given the example greeting API listed above, the examples file would look something like this:

  "localGreeting": [
      "method": "GET",
      "path": "/greeting/english"

Additionally lazorse ships with a script lzrs-gen-examples that will read a file in this format, perform the requests, and then update the file with responses in-line, so that it ends up looking like this:

  "localGreeting": [
      "method": "GET",
      "path": "/greeting/english",
      "response": {
        "greeting": "Hi",
        "language": "english"

To include this example data into your app, use the @loadExamples method, which takes an object or filename as it's argument and attaches each array of example requests to the corresponding route.

More info on URI Template matching

The matching semantics for URI templates are an addition to the RFC that specifies their expansion algorithm. Unfortunately, the nature of the expansion algorithm makes round-trip expansion and parsing of URIs inconsistent unless the following rules are followed:

  • All parameters, excepting query string parameters, are required.
  • Query string parameters cannot do positional matching. E.g. ?one&two&three will always fail. You must use named parameters in a query string.
  • Query string parameters with an explode modifier (e.g. {?list*}) currently will parse differently than they expand. I strongly recommend not to use the explode modifier for query string params.

What's the deal with the name?

While it could be viewed as a portmentaeu of Lazy and Resource, I prefer to think of it as horses with lasers.


  • More tests, as always.
  • Factor different operators into different Expression specializations, hopefully this will help clean up some of the logic in Expression::match




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