1.0.0 • Published 6 years ago

lb-01-set v1.0.0

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6 years ago


I created this because I noticed that there were no actual set object implementations in JavaScript and also to learn a bit more about creating node modules.


Create an array of items and then pass it to Set.
var Set = require('./set')
var set = new Set([0,1,1])
And then when we get it
set.get() // [0,1]


There are various Set functions available

Static functions

Set#unique given an array, return an array with all duplicates removed.

Instance functions

Set#contains return whether a given property is available.
Set#empty return whether the set in empty.
Set#size return the size of the Set.
Set#get return the set as an Array.

Set#add add an item to the Set.
Set#remove remove an item from the set.
Set#clear remove all items from the set.

Set#union return a new set that is the union of the set with another one.
Set#intersect return a new set that is the intersection of the set with another one.
Set#difference return a new set that is the difference of the set with another one.

Set#find return an array with all items that match the predicate.