ldbsvws-json v1.0.0
Live Departure Board Service (ldbs-json)
This is a node module that will interface to the National Rail Enquiries Live Departure Boards Service which powers the Live Departure Boards and the Live Departure Boards Staff Service which powers the Staff Version of the Live Departure Boards. More details can be found here:
- user service OpenLDBWS
It is designed to deliver the XML data returned by both API's in JSON format.
Using the module
The first step is to install the module into your node project
- npm install -s ldbs-json
Then to test just do the following
const useStaffVersion = false;
const LiveDepartureBoardService = require('ldbs-json');
const token = "0000-0000-0000-0000"; // put a valid token here
// Set up the options for the call
const options = {
numRows: 2,
// Now do the required query
// note that if in an async function you can use await rather that .then
const api = new LiveDepartureBoardService(token, useStaffVersion);
api.call("GetDepBoardWithDetails", options).then(board => {
There are 2 examples ( one STAFF version and one USER version that can be found in the included examples directory of the project).
This module is a continuation from my other module https://www.npmjs.com/package/ldbws-json which was only for use with the USER version of the OpenLDBWS web service.
- The LDBS_JSON is powered by National Rail Enquiries.
5 years ago