1.0.2 • Published 2 years ago

le-ngx-logger v1.0.2

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2 years ago


In Angular projects, automatically send logs to the specificized Back-End endpoint. Logger can be configured to log any combination of HTTP Errors, JavaScript Errors, as well as calls to selected commands (such as console.error()).

Each of these options can be separately enabled for development and production environments. Similarly, Debug mode can be enabled separately for each environment. (see Format of the Configuration Object for details).


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npm install le-ngx-logger


Importing Into The Application

LeNgxLoggerModule should be imported into the main app.module.ts with the configuration object.

See Format of the Configuration Object for details how to build the Configuration Object.

Once created, the object can be supplied into the Logger using one of the two options:

Format of the Configuration Object

The Configuration Object will override default values baked into the Logger. All properties are optional. However, at least the endpoint should be provided so that the logs are correctly sent to the endpoint that records the logs.

import { LeNgxLoggerConfig } from 'le-ngx-logger';

const leNgxLoggerConfig: LeNgxLoggerConfig = {
    endpoint: 'https://www.report-errors.xe/le-error',
    report: {
        monkeypatch: [
                parent: console,
                methods: {
                    log: { on: true, name: 'console.log' },
                    error: { on: true, name: 'console.error' },
                    warn: true,
                    info: { on: true, name: 'console.info' },
                    assert: true,
                    table: { on: true, name: 'console.table' },
                parent: window,
                methods: {
                    alert: { on: true, name: 'alert' },
    delay: 1000, // Milliseconds - Delay report after error

    // HTTP Headers will be added to the API call carrying an error report
    httpHeaders: {
        'Logger-Report': 'Le-Ngx-Logger'

    reportingFailureMessage: 'Could not send log to server',

    debug: {
        onDev: true,
        onProd: false,

Supplying The Configuration Object

See Configuration Object Format for information on creating the Configuration Object.

Once Configuration Object is created, it can be supplied into LeNgxLoggerModule by either of the following two methods: 1. By using the .forRoot() pattern 1. By providing LE_NGX_LOGGER_CONFIG

.forRoot() Option

Here is an example of importing LeNgxLoggerModule directly into AppModule using .forRoot() pattern:

import { LeNgxLoggerModule } from 'le-ngx-logger';

// Create or import `leNgxLoggerConfig`
const leNgxLoggerConfig: LeNgxLoggerConfig = { /* ... */ }

  imports: [
export class AppModule { }

Alternatively, the details of configuring LeNgxLoggerModule can be sequestered into a separate ngModule, e.g. app-logger.module.ts.

Excerpt from a sample file app-logger.module.ts:

import { NgModule } from "@angular/core";
import { LeNgxLoggerConfig, LeNgxLoggerModule } from "le-ngx-logger";

const leNgxLoggerConfig: LeNgxLoggerConfig = { /* ... */ }

    imports: [LeNgxLoggerModule.forRoot(leNgxLoggerConfig)],
    exports: [LeNgxLoggerModule],
export class AppLoggerModule { }

This module can now be imported into AppModule:

Excerpt from the sample file app.module.ts:

import { AppLoggerModule } from './app-logger.module'

  imports: [
export class AppModule { }


Contents of sample file app.module.ts:

import { LeNgxLoggerModule, LE_NGX_LOGGER_CONFIG } from 'le-ngx-logger';

// Create or import `leNgxLoggerConfig`
const leNgxLoggerConfig: LeNgxLoggerConfig = { /* ... */ }

  imports: [
  providers: [
    {provide: LE_NGX_LOGGER_CONFIG, useValue: leNgxLoggerConfig}
export class AppModule { }

Logging Data Explicitly

The logger can be configured to function automatically, without the need for any explicit intervention. But, if required, it can be invoked explicitly.

To achieve that, import the LeNgxLoggerService and call its .log(event) method.

The method takes a single parameter of type Partial<leNgxLoggerLoggableEvent>:

interface leNgxLoggerLoggableEvent {
    command: null | string;
    parameters: null | any[];
    result: any;
    error: null | leNgxLoggerLoggableError;
    timeZone: string;
    navigator: {
        userAgent: string;
        language: string;
    data?: any;

To log arbitrary data, use the optional member data.

Here is an example.

Excerpt from a sample file app.component.ts:

import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { LeNgxLoggerService } from 'le-ngx-logger';

  selector: 'test-root',
  templateUrl: './app.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./app.component.css']
export class AppComponent {

    private loggerService: LeNgxLoggerService,
  ) {}

  logQuick(data: string) {

  logFull(event: leNgxLoggerLoggableEvent) {
