0.0.1-alpha.2 • Published 1 year ago

ledger-stellar-sdk v0.0.1-alpha.2

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1 year ago

JavaScript Ledger Stellar SDK

GitHub Workflow Status (branch) npm

Ledger Hardware Wallet Stellar JavaScript bindings.


npm install ledger-stellar-sdk

API Documentation




Ledger Hardware Wallet Stellar JavaScript bindings.

Kind: global class

new Stellar(transport, scrambleKey)

transportTransportThe Ledger transport to use
scrambleKeystring"w0w"A string that will be used to scramble the device communication


import TransportWebUSB from "@ledgerhq/hw-transport-webusb";
import LedgerStellarApi from "ledger-stellar-sdk";

const transport = await TransportWebUSB.create();
const stellar = new LedgerStellarApi(transport);

stellar.getPublicKey(accountIndex, display) ⇒ PublicKey

Get Stellar public key for a given account index.

Kind: instance method of Stellar Returns: PublicKey - an object with a publicKey and rawPublicKey.

accountIndexnumberIt is part of key derivation path: m/44'/148'/accountIndex'
displaybooleanfalseIf set to "true", the public key will be displayed on the Ledger device and the user will be asked to confirm, otherwise it will not


const response = stellar.getPublicKey(0, true)

stellar.signTransaction(accountIndex, transaction) ⇒ Signature

Sign the given transaction.

Kind: instance method of Stellar Returns: Signature - the signature

accountIndexnumberIt is part of key derivation path: m/44'/148'/accountIndex'
transactionBufferThe transaction to sign. It consists of network id and transaction envelope, if you are using stellar-sdk, you can use transaction.signatureBase() to get the value

stellar.signHash(accountIndex, hash) ⇒ Signature

Sign the given hash.

It is intended for signing transactions not supported by the Ledger Stellar app and should be avoided as much as possible.

Kind: instance method of Stellar Returns: Signature - the signature

accountIndexnumberIt is part of key derivation path: m/44'/148'/accountIndex'
hashstring | BufferThe hash to sign


const response = stellar.signHash(0, "4b480b455a7ee154c33651819e3ce2ceb6bcd9dda78887777c4d2718c5cd04cd")

stellar.getAppConfiguration() ⇒ AppConfiguration

Get the configuration of the Ledger Stellar app installed on the hardware device.

Kind: instance method of Stellar Returns: AppConfiguration - an object with the version and the flag to indicate whether hash signing is enabled Example

const response = await stellar.getAppConfiguration();

Signature : object

Kind: global typedef Properties

signatureBufferThe signature

PublicKey : object

Kind: global typedef Properties

publicKeystringEncoded public key
rawPublicKeyBufferRaw public key

AppConfiguration : object

Kind: global typedef Properties

versionstringThe version of the Stellar app installed on the device
hashSigningEnabledbooleanWhether hash signing is enabled