1.0.0 • Published 9 years ago

leemason-polycast v1.0.0

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Last release
9 years ago


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Laravel Websocket broadcasting polyfill using ajax and mysql. Laravel 5.1 or Later


Require this package with composer:

composer require leemason/polycast

After updating composer, add the ServiceProvider to the providers array in config/app.php

Laravel 5.1:


Add the following in your broadcasting connections array located in config/broadcasting.php

'polycast' => [
    'driver' => 'polycast',
    'delete_old' => 2, //this deletes old events after 2 minutes, this can be changed to leave them in the db longer if required.

Copy the package assets to your public folder with the publish command:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=public --force

Migrate the packages database migrations (creates the polycast_events table):

php artisan migrate --path=vendor/leemason/polycast/migrations


To Optionally set Polycast as your default broadcast events driver set polycast as the default in your config/broadcasting.php or BROADCAST_DRIVER=polycast in your .env file.

Once installed you create broadcastable events exactly the same as you do now (using the ShouldBroadcast trait), except you have a way to consume those events via browsers without the need for nodejs/redis or an external library to be installed/purchased.

This package doesnt aim to compete with libraries or solutions such as PRedis/SocketIO/Pusher. But what it does do is provide a working solution for situations where you can't install nodejs and run a websocket server, or where the cost of services like Pusher aren't feasible.

The package utilizes vanilla javascript timeouts and ajax requests to "simulate" a realtime experience. It does so by saving the broadcastable events in the database, via a setTimeout javascript ajax request, polls the packages receiver url and distrubutes the payloads via javascript callbacks.

I have tried to keep the javascript api similar to current socket solutions to reduce the learning curve.

Here's an example:

<script src="<?php echo url('vendor/polycast/polycast.min.js');?>"></script>
    (function() {

        //create the connection
        var poly = new Polycast('http://localhost/polycast', {
            token: '<?php echo csrf_token();?>'

        //subscribe to channel(s)
        var channel1 = poly.subscribe('channel1');
        var channel2 = poly.subscribe('channel2');

        //fire when event on channel 1 is received
        channel1.on('Event1WasFired', function(data){

        //fire when event on channel 2 is received
        channel2.on('Event2WasFired', function(data){
            var body = document.getElementById('body');
            body.innerHTML = body.innerHTML + JSON.stringify(data);


Breaking down the example you can see we include the library:

<script src="<?php echo url('vendor/polycast/polycast.min.js');?>"></script>

Create a Polycast object inside a self executing function (this can be done a few ways, and has a few options):

    (function() {

        //default options
        defaults = {
            url: null,
            token: null,
            polling: 5 //this is how often in seconds the ajax request is made, make sure its less than the (delete_old * 60) connection config value or events may get deleted before consumed.

        //create the connection
        var poly = new Polycast('http://localhost/polycast', {
            token: '<?php echo csrf_token();?>'

        //or like this
        var poly = new Polycast({
            url: 'http://localhost/polycast',
            token: '<?php echo csrf_token();?>'

        //or like this (but this way we arent using csrf, and i can't see a good reason not to)
        var poly = new Polycast('http://localhost/polycast');



We create channel objects by subscribing to the channel:

//subscribe to channel(s)
var channel1 = poly.subscribe('channel1');
var channel2 = poly.subscribe('channel2');

And finally we register callbacks for specific events fired on those channels:

//fire when event on channel 1 is received
channel1.on('Event1WasFired', function(data){
    console.log(data);//data is a json decoded object of the events properties

And that's it! (for now)

Bower Usage

The polycast package is registered on Bower using the name leemason-polycast and can be installed by running:

bower install leemason-polycast

The package script can then be accessed from the bower_components/leemason-polycast/dist/js/polycast(.min).js path.

Webpack Usage

The polycast package script files are generated using gulp/webpack, this offers advantages when developing your javascript via script loaders.

Usage is as follows:

var Polycast = require('leemason-polycast');//this is npm usage, if using bower you will need to provide the full path
var poly = new Polycast({...});


Does this require jQuery?

Nope, all vanilla js here including the ajax requests.

What if there is a problem during the request? will my javascript enter a loop?

Nope, the next setTimeout call wont happen until the previous one has been compeleted.

How does it work out what events get sent to who?

This is done by the channel and event names, but the package also monitors times. When the js service creates a connection the server sends back its current time. This is stored in the js object and is sent/updated on subsequent requests creating a "events named ? on channel ? since ?" type database query.


The is my first real javascript heavy package, which is great as it gives me more opportunity to learn the language. That being said if there are any improvements you could make please let me know or send a pull request.

The Future

  • Add authorization options to channels
  • Add helpers here and there for removing channel/event subscriptions
  • Add wildcard event name listening
  • Add ability to subscribe to events without supplying channel.