leia-capture v1.3.1
Leia Capture 
Leia Capture allows you to perform liveness challenges, take pictures and record videos in your browser
Via npm:
npm install leia-capture
Via script tags:
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@tensorflow/tfjs-core@3.16.0"></script>
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@tensorflow/tfjs-backend-webgl@3.16.0"></script>
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@tensorflow/tfjs-backend-wasm@3.16.0"></script>
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@tensorflow/tfjs-backend-cpu@3.16.0"></script>
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@mediapipe/face_mesh"></script>
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@tensorflow-models/face-landmarks-detection@1.0.1"></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/leia-capture@1.3.1/umd/leia-capture.umd.js"></script>
For npm:
import * as LeiaCapture from 'leia-capture'
For angular:
declare var LeiaCapture: any
And in your angular.json
"architect": {
"build": {
"scripts": [
To avoid errors when using Angular, add this in your package.json:
"browser": {
"os": false
Basic face challenge (type can be 'TURN_LEFT', 'TURN_RIGHT', 'OPEN_MOUTH'):
// Create a camera
const camera = new LeiaCapture()
// Register EventListeners
window.addEventListener("cameraReady", () => {
// Set your overlay and start a challenge when our camera is ready
camera.startDetectAndDrawFace(0, true, "challenge01", "TURN_LEFT")
// If you choose to record challenges, it'll be returned using this event
window.addEventListener("videoProcessed", event => {
const video = event.detail.blob
const name = event.detail.name
// Do something with the video
// Start our camera
// It can take some time depending on the device so it's better not to load it when the camera is running
// Need a div to add our camera
camera.start(containerDiv, "front")
Basic document capture:
// Create a camera
const camera = new LeiaCapture()
onTakePicture(blob) {
// Do something with the picture
// Add a callback to your button when an user takes a picture
myOverlayCaptureButton.onclick = function() {
// You can also record a video
// Register EventListeners
window.addEventListener("cameraReady", () => {
// Set your overlay and start a challenge when our camera is ready
window.addEventListener("videoProcessed", event => {
const video = event.detail.blob
const name = event.detail.name
// Do something with the video
// It can take some time depending on the device so it's better not to load it when the camera is running
// Need a div to add our camera
camera.start(containerDiv, "back")
start(container, facingMode, videoWidth, videoHeight, minFrameRate, maxFrameRate, drawFaceMask, deviceOrientation, maxVideoDuration)
Start camera in a given container
- container - an HTML element to insert the camera
- facingMode - a sensor mode. Can be 'front' or 'back' (default: 'front')
- videoWidth - a video width. Cannot be below 1280 (default: 1280)
- videoHeight - a video height. Cannot be below 720 (default: 720)
- minFrameRate - min frame rate (default: 23)
- maxFrameRate - max frame rate (default: 25)
- drawFaceMask - if true, detected face masks are drawn (default: true)
- deviceOrientation - if true, report device orientation via 'deviceOrientation' event (default: false)
- maxVideoDuration - max video duration in seconds. Any recording after that is cancelled (default: 10)
Stop camera and remove it from its container
Load facemesh model
Display an overlay on top of the video
- overlay - an HTML element
startDetectAndDrawFace(delay, record, videoOutputName, challengeType)
Start a challenge
- delay - delay in milliseconds before prediction
- record - if true, the current challenge will be automatically recorded (default: true)
- videoOutputName - a name for the recorded video, if record is set to true (default: 'challenge')
- challengeType - a challenge type. Can be 'TURN_LEFT', 'TURN_RIGHT', 'OPEN_MOUTH'
Start recording a video. Note: during challenges, you don't have to use this method if you call 'startDetectAndDrawFace' with 'record' to true
- videoOutputName - a name for the recorded video
Stop recording a video. Note: during challenges, you don't have to use this method if you call 'startDetectAndDrawFace' with 'record' to true
- processVideo - if true, the current recorded video should be processed. Thus 'videoProcessing' and 'videoProcessed' are sent
takePicture(callback, quality, area)
Take a picture
- callback - a callback method for when the picture is returned as a blob. Your callback method must be in this format to receive the picture: nameofyourmethod(pictureBlob)
- quality - quality of the returned picture, from 0.0 to 1.0 (default: 1.0)
- area - (optional) an area of capture. Must be in this format x, y, width, height
Get video dimensions in this format: width, height
Manually start face detection
Triggered when camera is ready to capture
Triggered when there's a facemesh prediction
Triggered when a video is processing
Triggered when a video was processed
- blob - a video blob
- name - name of the video blob
Triggered when Facemesh model is loading
Triggered when Facemesh model was loaded
Triggered during a challenge when a face is centered and in front of the camera
Triggered when a face is in the center area
Triggered when a face is out of the center area
Triggered when a face started to move as required by the challenge
Triggered when a challenge was completed
Triggered when the device screen changed orientation (portrait <--> landscape)
Triggered when the device move on z,x,y
- z - rotate left or rights
- x - tilt up or down
- y - tilt left or right
Triggered when no face was detected
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