0.1.4 • Published 11 years ago

less-files v0.1.4

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Last release
11 years ago


Compile LESS files


npm install less-files


file(inputFile, outputFile, options, callback)

  • inputFile - file to compile
  • outputFile - path in which to write compiled file
  • options - options for less.render() plus the following:
    • sourceMap - enable source map, writing it to this file
    • noWrite - do not write files, only return result
  • callback - function that will be called with (err, { outputFile, outputData, sourceMapFile, sourceMapData })

glob(patterns, base, outputDir, options, callback, updateCallback, removeCallback)

Uses the mirror-glob module to compile a group of files and possibly watch them for changes afterwards.

  • patterns - a glob pattern or array of glob patterns to process
  • base - an options object to pass to glob() or the base folder in which to search for the patterns (equivalent to options.cwd)
  • outputDir- the directory in which to write the processed files
  • options
    • watch - (default: false) whether the files should be watched for changes
    • sourceMapDir - enable source maps, writing them to the specified directory
    • noWrite - do not write files, only return results
  • callback - function to be called after the initial processing is finished, with (err, results)
  • updateCallback - function to be called after processing is finished due to a file being changed or added. only called when options.watch is true
  • removeCallback - function to be called after a file is removed. only called when options.watch is true


var less = require('less-files');

less.file('f1.less', 'f1.css', function(err, result) {
  // result == { outputFile: 'f1.css', outputData: '...' }

less.file('f1.less', 'f1.css', { sourceMap: 'f1.map' }, function(err, result) {
  // result == { outputFile: 'f1.css', outputData: '...', sourceMapFile: 'f1.map', sourceMapData: '...' }

less.glob('*.less', 'src', 'build', {}, function(err, result) {
  // result == [ { outputFile, outputData }, { outputFile, outputData }, ... ]

less.glob('*.less', 'src', 'build', { watch: true, sourceMapDir: 'maps' }, function(err, result) {
  // console.log("Finished initial processing")
  // result == [ { outputFile, outputData, sourceMapFile, sourceMapData },  ... ]
}, function(err, success) {
  console.log("File reprocessed");
  // success == { outputFile, outputData, sourceMapFile, sourceMapData}
}, function(err) {
  console.log("File removed");
  // err is not null if an error ocurred while unlinking the file


Some of this functionality should probably exported by the less.js module, since the lessc binary also compiles files to files.