0.0.2 • Published 9 years ago

less-plugin-ionic v0.0.2

Weekly downloads
Last release
9 years ago


Imports the Less code for Ionic Framework before your custom Less code. Ionic is a beautiful, open source front-end SDK for developing hybrid mobile apps with HTML5.

Motivation and explanation for the Less version of Ionic.

lessc usage


Requires Less v2.4.0

npm install -g less-plugin-ionic

and then on the command line,

lessc file.less --ionic

Should use this plugin together with the Less autoprefix plugin:

npm istall less-autoprefix
lessc file.less --ionic --autoprefix="Android >= 2.1,BlackBerry >= 7,Chrome >= 20,Firefox >= 21,Explorer >= 10,iOS >= 3.2,Opera > 12,Safari > 6,OperaMobile >= 12.1,ChromeAndroid >= 40,FirefoxAndroid >= 30,ExplorerMobile >= 10" 

Programmatic usage

var LessPluginIonic = require('less-plugin-ionic'),
    ionicPlugin = new LessPluginIonic();
var LessPluginAutoPrefix = require('less-plugin-autoprefix'),
    autoprefixPlugin = new LessPluginAutoPrefix({browsers: ["Android >= 2.1","BlackBerry >= 7","Chrome >= 20","Firefox >= 21","Explorer >= 10","iOS >= 3.2","Opera > 12","Safari > 6","OperaMobile >= 12.1","ChromeAndroid >= 40","FirefoxAndroid >= 30","ExplorerMobile >= 10"] });  
less.render(lessString, { plugins: [ionicPlugin,autoprefixPlugin] })

Browser usage

Browser usage is not supported at this time.