0.1.3 • Published 4 years ago

lessware-mongo v0.1.3

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4 years ago


mongo middleware for the lessware framework


npm i -S lessware-mongo


connect a function that returns the middleware function.

  • input parameter: a configuration object, whose keys are functions that must synchronously return configuration properties
    • uri: a function whose input is the context passed to the middleware, and the output is the mongodb connection string, e.g. mongodb://localhost:27017
    • options: a function whose input is the context object passed to the middleware, and the output is the options object passed to MongoClient.connect(uri, options)
  • output: the middleware function for lessware's framework usage.

Example Usage

An API Controller using connect middleware.

// -- findTodo.js --
const { framework } = require('lessware')
const { connect } = require('lessware-mongo')

module.exports = framework([

  // attach mongo url from some async process, e.g. fetch from secret store
  async context => ({...context, mongoUrl: 'mongodb://localhost:27017'}),

  // attach `context.mongo.client`
    uri: context => context.mongoUrl,
    options: context => context.config.mongo.options,

  // use `context.mongo.client`
  async context => {
    const result = await context.mongo.client
      .findOne({id: context.event.payload.id})

    return {
      statusCode: 200,
      body: JSON.stringify(result)

// -- index.js --
const findTodo = require('./findTodo')
const router = {findTodo}

// persist connections setup by middleware
const mongo = {}

exports.handler = async (event, ctx) => {
  return controller = router[event.fieldName]

  // pass the context object to the framework
  return controller({event, ctx})


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