0.4.0 • Published 7 years ago
libdocker v0.4.0
A nodeJS wrapper for the docker command
The API is similar to the docker command itself except in the way it handles json.
docker.COMMAND([arguments, options], cb)
docker.run(['some-image:latest'], {detach: true}, cb)
docker.inspect(['some-container'], cb)
The --format '{{ json . }}' flag will be appended automatically if the command supports it and the output - if it is valid json - will be parsed as json.
Additionally there is an .array
extension of the command which always tries to return an array unless an error occured.
Full example:
const docker = require('libdocker')
docker.run(['ubuntu:17.10'], err => { // run an ubuntu:17.10 container
if (err) throw err
docker.ps.array(['-a'], (err, res, stderr) => { // get the list of all containers
console.log(err, res, stderr)
null [ { Command: '"/bin/bash"',
CreatedAt: '2018-02-19 14:25:44 +0100 CET',
ID: '64073efbd38b',
Image: 'ubuntu:17.10',
Labels: '',
LocalVolumes: '0',
Mounts: '',
Names: 'inspiring_bardeen',
Networks: 'bridge',
Ports: '',
RunningFor: '10 seconds',
Size: '0 B',
Status: 'Exited (0) 8 seconds ago' } ] ''