0.0.10 • Published 10 years ago
liblib v0.0.10
Liblib is a "media" server built on couchDB. "Media" is in quotes because the term is being used as loosely as possible (traditional digital items like books, music, video, as well as photos, digital artwork, event archives... really any digital "stuff" you want to keep). If your "stuff" is on the liblib then anyone can connect to it via wifi and check out what you've got.
One of the things that is cool about liblib is that it (will) automatically sync with other liblibs. This leads to some pretty neat...
NOTE: This project is primarily a specification. However it also contains instructions on how to create your own and an initial implementation.
What Will it do?
- Become a wireless access point that users can connect to and access the contents via HTTP ✓
- Locate and connect to other liblibs via wifi ✓ (partially)
- Automatically sync their contents
In The Wild
- La Nube Oscura - a mobile video program of contemporary artworks, curated (and carried) by Joseph del Pesco.