1.0.1 • Published 3 years ago

licensify-js v1.0.1

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3 years ago
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Crawls a projects package.json and creates a json representation
of all licenses and dependencies

Why I created this package

As i was working on a big project using a lot of open source modules I found myself developing on the project and sitting in front of the "About" page and thinking to myself: "Isn't there a faster way to get these packages listed?". This is why I created licensify.

How to use it

First install the package globally

# Using yarn
yarn global add licensify-cli

# Using npm
npm install licensify-cli -g

Then just call licensify-cli in your shell and you'll see the interactive shell leading you through the creation of your licensify.json that contains all properties of the package.

What is returned

Following properties are available on the dependency type

namestringThe name of the package
descriptionstringThe description of the package
versionstringThe version used by package.json
typeenum "dev" | "core"Defines the type of dependency (dev/core)
licensestring | nullThe text of the packages license file
repositorystringThe url to the repository of the package