0.0.1 • Published 4 years ago

lifecycle-iterator v0.0.1

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4 years ago


Iterator for sync/async methods and functions.


$ npm i -s lifecycle-iterator


To have a simple way to concatenate sync/async operations.

To reuse a powerful programming pattern for lifecycles of the object-oriented programming.

To have a nice and flexible API for lifecycles.


Simple demo

const LifecycleIterator = require("lifecycle-iterator");

    $scope: {
        onStart(data) {
            return new Promise(ok => {
                setTimeout(() => {
                    ok(data + 100);
                }, 100);
        onEnd(data) {
            return data + 200;
    $cycle: ["onStart", "onEnd"]
}).start(50).then(output => {


The API is a simple class that represents an async/sync lifecycle iterator.

It accepts a $cycle parameter, by which you define the cycle of callbacks for this lifecycle. It can be:

  • A Function that returns a Promise (for asynchronous steps).
  • A Function that does not return a Promise (for synchronous steps).
  • A Promise (for asynchronous operations to be completed).
  • A String that points to a $scope's function. They can be prefixed (or not) by:

    • ~: indicating the start of a parallel group, they start at the same time, but they end when all of them are finished. It returns an Array of values for every item of the group.
    • ~~: indicating the start of a racing group, they start at the same time, but they end when the first of them is finished. It returns only a single value for the first item that finished.
  • Any other value, which will be treated as a final value.

It also accepts a $scope parameter, by which you define the object where the names of the $cycle parameter pick their represented functions.

It also accepts a $output parameter, by which you define the default output.

It also accepts a $success, $failure and $complete parameters, functions called one the lifecycle was finished successfully, erroneously or in any case, respectively.

Moreover, you can access the iterator instance by the last of the parameters of each function called.

With the iterator instance, you also have these methods:

  • iterator.start(...data): to start the lifecycle passing some initial values. It returns a Promise.
  • iterator.exit(): to exit before starting the next cycle. It returns the iterator itself.
  • iterator.setOutput(data): to set the output of the lifecycle. It returns the iterator itself.
  • iterator.setError(error): to set the status of erroneous, and the error you want to throw. It returns the iterator itself.

The iterator.start() method returns a Promise representing the whole lifecycle, which you can use to continue coding after the lifecycle exits, successfully or erroneously. This way, you do not need to use the $success, $failure and $complete properties of the iterator (which are also accepted).

With this class, you can speed up the process of creating asynchronous code under parallel, series or race approaches.

  • In series, this is the default approach of the API.

  • In parallel, all the methods will be called at the same time, and the solution are all of them in an array.

  • In race, all the methods will be called at the same time, but the solution is only the first of them solved.

Moreover, the iterator.$trace is a special array that will remember all the steps the iterator has taken. There, you can have a vague clue of what has this iterator gone through.

This approach lets you also modify on the fly the lifecycle, from the same lifecycle.

It is a bit complex, but it is worthy, I think, that is why I did it.

This can structure a lot the code you need for complex async/sync concatenation of operations, without sacrificing flexibility.


Simple 100% synchronous example:

const LifecycleIterator = require("lifecycle-iterator");

const iterator = LifecycleIterator.create({
	$cycle: ["onStart", "onProcess", "onEnd"],
	$scope: {
		onStart(data) {return data + 10},
		onProcess(data) {return data + 2},
		onEnd(data) {return data + 300},
	$output: "default output",
	$success() { console.log("Exited successfully"); },
	$failure() { console.log("Exited erroneously"); },
	$complete() { console.log("Exited finally"); },

iterator.start(1000).then(output => {
	console.log(output); // >> 1312
	console.log(iterator.$trace); // >> [ "onStart", "onProcess", "onEnd" ]

Same example but 100% asynchronous:

const iterator = LifecycleIterator.create({
	$cycle: ["onStart", "onProcess", "onEnd"],
	$scope: {
		onStart(data) {return new Promise(ok => {ok(data + 10)})},
		onProcess(data) {return new Promise(ok => {ok(data + 2)})},
		onEnd(data) {return new Promise(ok => {ok(data + 300)})},
	$output: "default output",
	$success() { console.log("Exited successfully"); },
	$failure() { console.log("Exited erroneously"); },
	$complete() { console.log("Exited finally"); },

iterator.start(1000).then(output => {
	console.log(output); // >> 1312
	console.log(iterator.$trace); // >> [ "onStart", "onProcess", "onEnd" ]

Example of setOutput method:

    $cycle: [
        function(iterator) {
        function() {
            console.log("If nothing is returned, the $output property is the last value returned");
}).start().then(output => {

Example of setError method:

    $cycle: [
        function(iterator) {
            iterator.setError(new Error("ok"));
        function() {
            console.log("This is still executed. Returning anything is useless.");
}).start().then(console.log).catch(error => {

Example of exit method:

    $cycle: [
        function(iterator) {
        function() {
            console.log("This is never executed.");
}).start().then(output => {

Example of race group:

    $cycle: [
    $scope: {
        viaA() {
            return new Promise(ok => {
                setTimeout(() => ok(1), 200);
        viaB() {
            return new Promise(ok => {
                setTimeout(() => ok(2), 100);
}).start().then(output => {

Example of parallel group:

    $cycle: [
    $scope: {
        viaA() {
            return new Promise(ok => {
                setTimeout(() => ok(1), 200);
        viaB() {
            return new Promise(ok => {
                setTimeout(() => ok(2), 100);
}).start().then(output => {

Example of synchronous and asynchronous functions, and nested lifecycle-iterators:

This example is a bit more complex.

The first iterator demonstrates how to use the $scope attribute to concatenate calls.

The second iterator demonstrates how to use directly the $cycle to concatenate functions and lambdas.

The third iterator, finally, demonstrates how to use "~" and "~~" to make parallel and racing groups of calls easily.

Direct Promises are excluded from this example because when you concatenate a Promise, you cannot receive the parameter of the previous subcycle.

The example uses the expect expression of testing to demonstrate that the cycle of callbacks is respected exactly as expected.

const iterator = Life.create({
    $cycle: [
    $scope: {
        onAsyncFunction: async function(data) {
            await new Promise(ok => {
                setTimeout(ok, 100)
            return data.concat(["onAsyncFunction"]);
        onSyncFunction: function(data) {
            return data.concat(["onSyncFunction"]);
        onAsyncLambda: async (data) => {
            await new Promise(ok => {
                setTimeout(ok, 100)
            return data.concat(["onAsyncLambda"]);
        onSyncLambda: (data) => {
            return data.concat(["onSyncLambda"]);
        onNestedIterator(data) {
            // Second lifecycle:
            return Life.create({
                $cycle: [
                    async function(data) {
                        await new Promise(ok => {
                            setTimeout(ok, 100);
                        return data.concat(["async function(data)"]);
                    function(data) {
                        data = data.concat(["function(data)"]);
                        return data;
                    async (data) => {
                        await new Promise(ok => {
                            setTimeout(ok, 100);
                        return data.concat(["async (data)"]);
                    (data) => {
                        return data.concat(["(data)"]);
                    function(data) {
                        // Third lifecycle:
                        return Life.create({
                            $cycle: [
                            $scope: {
                                onStart(data) {
                                    return new Promise(ok => {
                                        setTimeout(() => {
                                        }, 100);
                                onSourceOne(data) {
                                    return new Promise(ok => {
                                        setTimeout(() => {
                                            ok(data.concat(["~~onSourceOne"])); // NO!
                                        }, 500);
                                onSourceTwo(data) {
                                    return new Promise(ok => {
                                        setTimeout(() => {
                                            ok(data.concat(["~~onSourceTwo"])); // NO!
                                        }, 300);
                                onSourceThree(data) {
                                    return new Promise(ok => {
                                        setTimeout(() => {
                                        }, 100);
                                onExtractDataOne(data) {
                                    return new Promise(ok => {
                                        setTimeout(() => {
                                        }, 300);
                                onExtractDataTwo(data) {
                                    return new Promise(ok => {
                                        setTimeout(() => {
                                        }, 100);
                                onExtractDataThree(data) {
                                    return new Promise(ok => {
                                        setTimeout(() => {
                                        }, 200);
                                onUnify(data) {
                                    let base = data[0];
                                    base = base.concat(data[1][data[1].length-1]);
                                    base = base.concat(data[2][data[2].length-1]);
                                    return base.concat(["onUnify"]);
                                onEnd(data) {
                                    return new Promise(ok => {
                                        setTimeout(() => {
                                        }, 100);
    $output: "default output",
    $success() {
        console.log("Exited successfully");
    $failure() {
        console.log("Exited erroneously");
    $complete() {
        console.log("Exited finally");

iterator.start([]).then(output => {
        'async function(data)',
        'async (data)',


Cheat sheet

	$scope: {...},
	$cycle: [
		Promise.all([promise1, promise2, promise3]),
		Promise.race([runner1, runner2, runner3]),
		new Promise(ok => setTimeout(ok, 1000)),
		function(data) => {return new Promise(ok => setTimeout(ok, 1000))},
		(data, iterator) => new Promise(ok => setTimeout(ok, 1000)),
		(data, iterator) => LifecycleIterator.create({
			$scope: {...},
			$cycle: [...],
			// $success(data) {},
			// $failure(error) {},
			// $complete(data) {},
			// $output: undefined,
			// $error: [],
			// $trace: [],
			// $index: 0,
			// $$status,
		(data, iterator) => {
			iterator.setError(new Error("Whatever"));
}).start(startData).then(output => {
}).catch(error => {



This project is under WTFPL.


Please, any issue or suggestion, here.