0.1.2 • Published 3 years ago

light-matter v0.1.2

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Last release
3 years ago

Light Matter


A dead-simple, minimally-opinionated front matter tool. No baked-in Markdown or YAML handlers. Use light-matter to construct a custom front matter handler tailored to your needs.


npm i light-matter
# OR
yarn add light-matter


With a file like this:

hello: world
# Lorem Ipsum

Dolor sit amet...

Parse it like this:

import lightMatter from 'light-matter'

const { content, frontMatter } = lightMatter.parse(fileText)

// "hello: world"
// "# Lorem Ipsum\n\nDolor sit amet..."

Note that the outputs are still strings. Pass them to the parsers of your choice.

You can also turn them back into the original string input:

lightMatter.stringify({ content, frontMatter })

Complete Example w/ YAML and Markdown

For this example we'll use the following packages:

  • yaml - a YAML handler that preserves comments
  • marked - a popular Markdown parser
  • turndown - an HTML-to-Markdown converter.

We'll wrap these packages in reusable utility functions.


npm i marked turndown yaml
# OR
yarn add marked turndown yaml


import { readFileSync, writeFileSync } from 'fs'
import lightMatter from 'light-matter'
import marked from 'marked'
import TurndownService from 'turndown'
import yaml from 'yaml'

const turndownService = new TurndownService()

function readMarkdownFile(filePath) {
  const fileText = readFileSync(filePath, 'utf-8')
  const document = lightMatter.parse(fileText)
  return {
    htmlContent: marked(document.content),
    yamlFrontMatter: yaml.parse(document.frontMatter),

function writeMarkdownFile(filePath, htmlContent, yamlFrontMatter) {
  const fileText = lightMatter.stringify({
    content: turndownService.turndown(htmlContent),
    frontMatter: yaml.stringify(yamlFrontMatter),
  writeFileSync(filePath, fileText, 'utf-8')


The package is written in TypeScript and exports its lone interface:

import { LightMatterDocument } from 'light-matter'

const document: LightMatterDocument = {
  content: '# Lorem Ipsum',
  frontMatter: 'hello: world',

Custom Delimiter

The delimiter defaults to "---". Pass a custom delimiter to parse() or stringify() as the second argument:

const delimiter = '+++'
lightMatter.parse(fileText, delimiter)
lightMatter.stringify(document, delimiter)


Thanks to gray-matter for inspiration. If it hadn't baked in a YAML parser I didn't want, this package would not exist.