1.0.0 • Published 5 years ago

lighten-darken-color v1.0.0

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Last release
5 years ago

Lighten Darken Color

This is a simple JavaScript helper which allow you darken or lighten a colors in your application. This function takes colors in hex format (i.e. #F06D06, with or without hash) and lightens or darkens them with a value.

app preview


Add lighten-darken-color to your project by executing

$  npm install lighten-darken-color
$ yarn add lighten-darken-color

and that's it, you're all good to go!

Tested Platform

lighten-darken-color is just a javascript function and should work in any javascript project or framework. But here are a list of framework we've tested lighten-darken-color with, and yes it works fine!

  • React Native
  • Reactjs
  • Vuejs


Make sure to import the package into your project

 * Sample React Native App
 * https://github.com/facebook/react-native
 * @format
 * @flow

import React, {Component} from 'react';
import { StyleSheet, Text, View} from 'react-native'; 
import { LightenDarkenColor } from 'lighten-darken-color'; 
type Props = {};
export default class App extends Component<Props> {
   render() {
    return (
      <View style={styles.container}>
             <Text style={{color:LightenDarkenColor('#3F6D2A', 10)}}> lighten-darken-color </Text>
             <Text style={{color:LightenDarkenColor('#3F6D2A', 40)}}> lighten-darken-color </Text>
             <Text style={{color:LightenDarkenColor('#3F6D2A', 60)}}> lighten-darken-color </Text>
             <Text style={{color:LightenDarkenColor('#3F6D2A', 80)}}> lighten-darken-color </Text>
             <Text style={{color:LightenDarkenColor('#3F6D2A', 100)}}> lighten-darken-color </Text>
             <Text style={{color:LightenDarkenColor('#3F6D2A', 140)}}> lighten-darken-color </Text>
             <Text style={{color:LightenDarkenColor('#3F6D2A', 180)}}> lighten-darken-color </Text>

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
  container: {
    flex: 1,
    justifyContent: 'center',
    alignItems: 'center',
    backgroundColor: '#F5FCFF',


NameUseDefault Values
LightenDarkenColor(color, amount)define the color and the amount you'd like the increase or reduceNone


This project is licensed under MIT license.

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