1.0.2 • Published 4 years ago

lightweight-css v1.0.2

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Last release
4 years ago


Lightweight CSS

This is a very simple lightweight css helper that helps you avoid creating multiple custom classes for styles that are used way too often in Web Design.

How to install

npm install lightweight-css

You can choose to import it straight <link rel="stylesheet" href="./node_modules/lightweight-css/lightweight-css.css"/>

or if you're using Webpack to compile and bundle your CSS you can simply use: import "lightweight-css";

Basic Usage

Simply use the classes below to achieve the appropriate styles

blockdisplay: block
inline-blockdisplay: inline-block
hiddendisplay: none
center-texttext-align: center
right-texttext-align: right
no-decortext-decoration: none
no-selectuser-select: none
pointercursor: pointer
pos-relposition: relative
pos-absposition: absolute
pos-fixposition: fixed
flexdisplay: flex
flex-rowflex-flow: row
flex-colflex-flow: col
flex-wrapflex-wrap: wrap
just-startjustify-content: flex-start
just-betweenjustify-content: space-between
just-endjustify-content: flex-end
items-startalign-items: flex-start
items-centeralign-items: center
items-endalign-items: flex-end

Hope this utility helps you!


Since this project is still quite small, feel free to create a PR to add improvements and more features!(as long as it's still lightweight)