0.5.3 • Published 2 years ago

lilredirector v0.5.3

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Last release
2 years ago


a simple redirector engine for cloudflare workers.



  1. install the package
$ npm install lilredirector
  1. create a kv namespace called REDIRECTS using wrangler
$ wrangler kv:namespace create REDIRECTS
  1. add the kv-namespace provided by wrangler output to wrangler.toml
kv_namespaces = [{ binding = "REDIRECTS", id = "$id", preview_id = "$id" }]


import redirector from 'lilredirector'

addEventListener('fetch', event => event.respondWith(handler(event)))

// note the `event` function argument! many workers scripts will
// pass in `event.request`, lilredirector needs the full `event` object
async function handler(event) {
  const { response, error } = await redirector(event)
  if (response) return response

  // optionally return an error response
  if (error) return error

  // other workers code


import redirector from 'lilredirector'

addEventListener('fetch', event => event.respondWith(handler(event)))

async function handler(event) {
  const { response, error } = await redirector(event, {
    // configuration options can be passed as an optional object.
    // see the below documentation for examples of each:
    // baseUrl
    // basicAuthentication
    // cancelBulkAddOnError
    // removeTrailingSlashes
    // validateRedirects
  // ...

changing the base url

by default, lilredirector serves the UI and any associated data handlers from /_redirects. this can be customized by providing baseUrl in lilredirector's configuration:

async function handler(event) {
  const { response, error } = await redirector(event, {
    baseUrl: `/mylilredirector`,
  if (response) return response

removing trailing slashes

by default, lilredirector will match and redirect URLs without trailing slashes. for instance, if you have a redirect set up for /about, visiting /about/ will search for a redirect for /about in the lilredirector database, and redirect accordingly. this feature can be disabled by passing the removeTrailingSlashes boolean in the configuration object into the redirector function:

async function handler(event) {
  const { response, error } = await redirector(event, {
    removeTrailingSlashes: false,
  if (response) return response

validating redirects

by default, lilredirector will validate a redirect before allowing it to be saved. for instance, if you attempt to save a redirect for /about that points to /foo, a page that doesn't exist, lilredirector will error on save and return an error message in the UI. this can be disabled using the config option validateRedirects

async function handler(event) {
  const { response, error } = await redirector(event, {
    validateRedirects: false,
  if (response) return response

canceling bulk adds on validation errors

as of lilredirector 0.2.0, there is support in the UI for adding multiple redirects using a bulk UI. if the above validateRedirects option is enabled, lilredirector will validate each redirect inside of the bulk operation before saving.

by default, lilredirector will save valid URLs in a bulk operation even if some are invalid - instead of canceling the operation completely, it will return an error message indicating the individual failed/invalid URLs.

this can be changed using the cancelBulkAddOnError value in configuration, which will cause the entire bulk operation to cancel if any of the URLs are found to be invalid:

async function handler(event) {
  const { response, error } = await redirector(event, {
    cancelBulkAddOnError: true,
  if (response) return response

how it works


lilredirector embeds itself under the /_redirects path, unless specified otherwise by the baseUrl configuration param as defined in the previous section. here's a list of the paths you'll be adding to your application:

/_redirects/deleteredirect delete handler
/_redirects/updateredirect create/update handler


manage and create new redirects at /_redirects!

as of version 0.2.0, the lilredirector UI has support for bulk redirect adding. using the "add multiple redirects" dropdown, you can add redirects in a larger textarea element using CSV format, as seen below:


this feature is beta and may be prone to errors. simple comma-separated value CSVs with no headers/footers are the only tested and supported values for this field at this time.


you should really, really put this behind authentication!

basic authentication

using the configuration object, you can enable basic auth for lilredirector and any subpaths (creating/deleting redirects):

async function handler(event) {
  const { response, error } = await redirector(event, {
    basicAuthentication: {
      username: USERNAME,
      password: PASSWORD,
  if (response) return response

it is strongly recommended that you use wrangler secret to define and store your basic auth credentials, as seen above:

$ wrangler secret put USERNAME
$ wrangler secret put PASSWORD

cloudflare access

you can add complex role-based auth using cloudflare access. see the below screenshot for an example config:

access setup


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