1.3.0 • Published 7 years ago
limit-async v1.3.0
An asynchronous process rate limiter that works with promises
One of the core principles when creating this was to give you as much freedom as possible when using it. Thus, it is implemented as a higher order function that will wrap your function and it's promise as transparently as possible. Also, by defining the limit separately, it allows you to apply the same limit to multiple different functions, for example to all HTTP requests (GET, POST, ...).
$ npm install --save limit-async
const createLimiter = require('limit-async')
// Will limit to 10 concurrent jobs
const limit = createLimiter(10);
// A sample asynchronous function
// Its basically just a promise wrapper for setTimeout
const myAsyncFunction = value =>
new Promise(resolve =>
() => resolve(value),
for (let i = 0; i < 30; i += 1) {
// This will print out 0 to 29, 10 values at a time