1.13.1-dev • Published 2 years ago

linagora.esn.emoticon-rezk2ll v1.13.1-dev

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2 years ago


Adds Emoticon support into the OpenPaaS Enterprise Social Network. This module is part of https://open-paas.org/.

Usage: directive

The esn-emoticon directive replaces a text emoticon with an image.

<esn-emoticon emoticon='smiley'></esn-emoticon>

will be transformed to:

<img class="esn-emoticon-image" src="...emoticon path.../smiley.png" title='smiley'>

usage: filter

the esnEmoticonify filter will transform the emoticon "tags", such as :smiley:, to image tags.

<div ng-bind-html="message.text | esnEmoticonify:{class: 'emoji'}"></div>

This filter takes an argument (if present), that is the additional properties to put in the img tag.