linkedin-canonical-url v1.0.6
LinkedIn urls are "localized" to various markets, this micro-module creates a canonical url from any international one.
It can appear that a single person has multiple possible URLs and therefore its possible to have duplicate profiles. We don't like duplicate data. So we need a way of transforming the URL for any "local" version of LinkedIn into its "canonical" (unique) version.
Given an international LinkedIn URL such as:
into the canonical version:
This is a relatively simple example. The interesting one is where
LinkedIn appends noise in the url e.g:
Which gets re-directed to:
Thankfully there is a pattern so we can transform the urls.
npm install linkedin-canonical-url --save
Then in your script:
var transform_linkedin_url = require('linkedin-canonical-url');
var local_url = '';
var canonical_url = transform_linkedin_url(local_url);
console.log('Transformed: ', canonical_url);
That's it.
Now each time you see a LinkedIn URL pass it through this transformer
to ensure that you are getting the canonical version.
Note: the transformer is written to be human-readable. If you run into a "performance-bottleneck" using this code, please feel free to submit a PR to make it faster.