0.1.0 • Published 3 years ago
list-lang v0.1.0
List language to parse and serialize lists with configurable bullets.
- Inspired from yaml and sexpr
- Configurable bullets
- Atomic datatype restricted to strings
Example 1
* foo
* - bar
- qux
["*", [
["-", [
Example 2
# Comment
# Indented Comment
* item
* spaced item
* \* marker-escaped item
* endline-escaped item\n
* - nested item1
- nested item2
- - deeply nested item1
- deeply nested item2
"spaced item",
"* marker-escaped item",
"endline-escaped item\n",
"nested item1",
"nested item2",
"deeply nested item1",
"deeply nested item2"
const {strict: Assert} = require("assert");
const {parse, stringify} = require("list-lang");
const markers = "*-" // Enable each character to be used as a bullet marker
const string1 = [
"* foo",
"* - bar",
" - qux",
const node1 = parse(string1, markers);
const node2 = [
const string2 = stringify(node2, markers);
Assert.deepEqual(node1, node2);
Assert.equal(string1, string2);