list-matcher v1.0.2
A library for making non-backtracking regular expressions from a list of strings.
import { qw, regex } from 'list-matcher'
// qw is a convenience function for creating arrays of strings
qw("these are the times that try men's souls")
// => ['these', 'are', 'the', 'times', 'that', 'try', 'men\'s', 'souls']
qw('abcdefg', '')
// => ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g']
// minimal case
// => /cat/
// case-insensitive
regex(['CAT'], { flags: 'i' })
// => /cat/i
// more interesting
regex(qw('cat camel coulomb dog e f g h i'))
// => /(?:c(?:a(?:mel|t)|oulomb)|dog|[e-i])/
// it finds simple character classes!
regex(qw('0123456789', ''))
// => /\d/
// it can express character classes as ranges
regex(qw('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_0123456789', ''))
// => /[\d_a-z]/
// let's make this case-insensitive!
regex(qw('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_0123456789', ''), { flags: 'i' })
// => /\w/i
// non-ascii!
regex(qw('süß bloß'))
// => /(?:blo|sü)ß/u
// find word boundaries for me and do something smart with whitespace
regex([' cat ', 'cat', 'cat or dog', '!@##$%^&*'], { bound: true, normalizeWhitespace: true })
// => /(?:!@##\$%\^&\*|\bcat(?:\s+or\s+dog)?\b)/
// what becomes of common whitespace characters?
// => /[\t\n\f\r]/
// what do you get with an empty array?
// => /(?!)/
// how about empty strings?
// => /(?!)/
// word boundaries in non-ascii strings?
regex(qw('süß bloß'), { bound: true })
// => /(?<![\p{L}\p{N}_])(?:blo|sü)ß(?![\p{L}\p{N}_])/u
// what if I want to make an expression for splitting strings and keeping the boundary bits?
let splitter = regex(qw('cat dog bird'), { capture: true })
// => /((?:bird|cat|dog))/
'the cat saw a birddog'.split(splitter)
// => [ 'the ', 'cat', ' saw a ', 'bird', '', 'dog', '' ]
// and can we use this to combine patterns?
let telephoneNumbers = [
'(###) ###-####b',
'+## #### ######b'
regex(telephoneNumbers, { substitutions: { '#': '\\d', 'b': '\\b' } })
// => /(?:\(\d{3}\) \d{3}-|\+\d(?:-\d{3}-\d{3}-|\d \d{4} \d\d)|\b\d{3}-(?:\d{3}-)?)\d{4}\b/
// NOTE: you don't need to use single-character identifiers for sub-patterns
regex(qw('a aa aaaaa'), { substitutions: { 'a': 'foo', 'aa': 'bar', 'aaa': 'baz' } })
// => /(?:bazbar|bar|foo)/
// sub-patterns keys are matched greedily, so 'aaaaa' becomes /bazbar/, not /foofoofoofoofoo/, etc.
Takes an array of strings and, optionally, a ListMatcherOptions
Returns a compiled RegExp
import { regex } from 'list-matcher'
regex(['cat', 'cats'])
// => /cats?/
regex(['cat', 'dog', 'mouse', 'camel', 'dromedary', 'muskrat'], { bound: true, flags: 'i' })
// => /\b(?:ca(?:mel|t)|d(?:og|romedary)|m(?:ouse|uskrat))\b/i
Various directives controlling how regex
builds a regular expression.
: boolean
should discover and preserve word boundaries. See Caveats for problems that may arise under certain javascript engines.
regex(['cat', '@#$'], { bound: true })
// => /(?:@#\$|\bcat\b)/
regex(['süß', 'bloß'], { bound: true })
// => /(?<![\p{L}\p{N}_])(?:blo|sü)ß(?![\p{L}\p{N}_])/u
Note, word boundary discovery is suspended for substituted patterns. See below.
: boolean
should generate expression in parentheses.
regex(qw('cat cats'), { capture: true })
// => /(cats?)/
The chief use envisioned for this is creating an expression that can be given to String.prototype.split
to split a string while preserving the expression split on.
: boolean
should trim marginal whitespace from words and treat internal whitespace as equivalent to /\s+/
regex([' cat ', 'cat dog'], { normalizeWhitespace: true })
// => /cat(?:\s+dog)?/
: string
Regular expression flags, such as i
, m
, s
, g
, u
, and y
regex(['CAT'], { flags: 'iug' })
// => /cat/giu
The order of flags in the flag string is irrelevant. Characters other than those listed above will be ignored.
Note, two of the flags, i
and u
, may have other effects on the generated regular expression.
causes all phrases to be downcased.
changes the definition of word boundaries. Instead of matching on the margin between \w
and \W
or the ends of the string,
unicode word boundary expression match on the margin between any word or number character or _
and the ends of the string.
In order to do this the pattern must use a lookbehind, which may not be implemented in every javascript engine. If you don't set
the bound
option, this is irrelevant.
Another peculiarity of the u
flag is that regex
will turn it on even if not requested if it finds a non-ASCII character among
the phrases it is given.
: Record<string, string>
The substitution map, if supplied, defines portions of input phrases that should be replaced with other expressions.
regex(['b###-####b'], { substitutions: { '#': '\\d', 'b': '\\b' } })
// => /\b\d{3}-\d{4}\b/
This mechanism obviously allows you to feed the output of regex
back into regex
let subjects = regex(['Anne', 'Bob', 'Carol'], { bound: true })
let verbs = regex(['eats', 'throws', 'pats'], { bound: true })
let objects = regex(['clams', 'rocks', 'chunks'], { bound: true })
let clauses = regex(['V S O', 'S V O', 'S O V'], { normalizeWhitespace: true, substitutions: { V: verbs.source, S: subjects.source, O: objects.source } })
// => /(?:\b(?:Anne|Bob|Carol)\b\s+(?:\b(?:c(?:hunk|lam)|rock)s\b\s+\b(?:eat|pat|throw)s\b|\b(?:eat|pat|throw)s\b\s+\b(?:c(?:hunk|lam)|rock)s\b)|\b(?:eat|pat|throw)s\b\s+\b(?:Anne|Bob|Carol)\b\s+\b(?:c(?:hunk|lam)|rock)s\b)/
This example makes salient the regretable lack of the (?i:...)
expression in javascript regular expressions. We must have case insensitivity for
the whole expression or none of it, alas.
Note, word boundary discovery cannot occur if the potential word boundary in question is a substitution. See bound
Takes a string and, optionally, a splitter, either a string or a regular expression.
Returns an array of non-empty strings.
import { qw } from 'list-matcher'
qw(' some words with spaces between them ')
// => ['some', 'words', 'with', 'spaces', 'between', 'them']
qw('some text', '')
// => ['s', 'o', 'm', 'e', ' ', 't', 'e', 'x', 't']
qw('bird, bird, bird: bird is the word', /bird/)
// => [', ', ', ', ': ', ' is the word']
qw('foo bar baz', /([aeiou])/)
// => ['f', 'o', 'o', ' b', 'a', 'r b', 'a', 'z']
This is an exported function of list-matcher
chiefly because it made documenting the library easier and clearer. The implementation is quite simple:
export function qw(s: string, splitter: string | RegExp = /\s+/): string[] {
return s.split(splitter).filter((p) => p)
The name and behavior of qw
are inspired by the Perl qw array literal expression, which is like
Ruby's %w, etc.
- Compiling regular expressions this way produces more readable code. It's clear what
regex(['cat', 'carp', 'camel'])
does. It's less clear what/ca(?:mel|rp|t)/
does. - You can use
programmatically, building matchers for dynamic lists of great length. - You don't need to worry about escaping metacharacters.
If you wish to embed one regular expression in another, this won't work:
new RegExp(`other stuff with ${regex(list)} a regex in the middle`)
The interpolated regular expression will be delimited by forward slashes and may potentially include flag characters.
You can, however, do this:
new RegExp(`other stuff with ${regex(list).source} a regex in the middle`)
The regular expression generated by list-matcher
are non-backtracking, so they should be optimally efficient.
In some javascript engines this will actually give you a performance boost. Safari is the only engine where I've
seen this. The others compile naive regular expressions like /cat|camel|carp/
into non-backtracking automata
such as you would get from /ca(?:mel|rp|t)/
without any optimization.
The construction of regular expressions from lists is fairly swift, but still, as with the ordinary compilation of regular expressions, you should avoid doing this in a tight loop.
Though I have taken some care to handle non-ASCII characters, I have not yet thoroughly tested higher number codepoints. In particular, I have not tested the matching of combined unicode characters.
relies heavily on String.prototype.fromCharCode
and String.prototype.codePointAt
other functions in the String
prototype. Not all of these are implemented in all browsers. list-matcher
therefore includes polyfills that supply these if they are absent. All polyfills are borrowed from
the Mozilla Developer Network.
There are regular expression features used in finding and defining unicode word boundaries. These are not present in all javascript engines either, and they cannot be polyfilled.
If you either avoid unicode, avoid the bound
option, or avoid the browers that have not implemented these
features, you will be okay.
If you use substitutions
, you are responsible for the patterns subsituted in; list-matcher
won't check
As always I thank my co-workers at Green River and my family for indulging me while I tilt at windmills.