0.1.0 • Published 10 years ago

list-npm-paths v0.1.0

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Last release
10 years ago


Say you're using npm to manage your project's dependencies, but you're using RequireJS to structure the project itself. It would be useful to get an object linking module names to source files. That's what this package does.

## Installation

npm i -D list-npm-paths   # i is short for install, -D for --save-dev


var lnp = require( 'list-npm-paths' ).sync;  // note the `.sync` (see below).
var paths = lnp();

This will return an object mapping module names to file paths. Suppose your package.json had the following dependencies:

  "dependencies": {
    "lodash": "^2.4.1",
    "ractive": "^0.5.7"

Calling lnp() will find the nearest package.json to the current working directory, parse out the dependencies, and locate the relevant files:

// { lodash: 'lodash/dist/lodash', ractive: 'ractive/ractive' }

It does this by reading the main property of each module's package.json, falling back to index.js. Modules are assumed to be in a node_modules folder that is a sibling of package.json.


  // override cwd (defaults to `process.cwd()`). This determines
  // where to look for the package.json file
  cwd: __dirname,

  // return absolute paths, rather than relative to node_modules.
  // Defaults to false
  absolute: true,

  // include .js extension. Defaults to false
  ext: true

Example with RequireJS

var requirejs = require( 'requirejs' );
var lnp = require( 'list-npm-paths' ).sync;

	baseUrl: 'src/js',
	name: 'main',
	out: 'build/main.js',
	paths: lnp()

Sync vs async

Right now, list-bower-paths only has a synchronous mode. I don't really see a need for an async mode, but would happily take a pull request if you feel strongly about it.
