0.1.4 • Published 3 years ago

litegraph.core.js v0.1.4

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Last release
3 years ago


npm License npm bundle size

Core only version of litegraph.js. It might also contain other deltas compared to the source, like fixes, improvements and even new features.

The reason for this fork is that on a lot of projects people will have specific business requirements that will imply specific and customized nodes. In such cases it doesn't make sense to bundle the whole set of predefined nodes that come with the full version of litegraph.js.

There will be another forked repository that will hold only the predefined nodes, and probably more. But this library makes the assumption that the people using it only need the core functionality and the editor.


You can install it using npm

npm install litegraph.core.js

Or downloading the build/litegraph.core.js and css/litegraph.core.css version from this repository.

Link to the source library litegraph.js.