1.2.1 • Published 4 years ago

livink v1.2.1

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Last release
4 years ago


Get all links from a webpage and filter them by status codes, status classes and many more. Livink makes all requests in parallel making it work extremely fast.


$ npm install livink
  • note that it currently works only node version >=12.9.0 as it uses Promises.allSettled().

Usage examples

const {livink} = require('livink');

// use without any filter as shown below
// to find the links 
/* output of all links (img,href,mailto,etc)
  { link: 'https://xyz.com/domains/example', linkFoundOn:"https://any-valid-url-here.com" },
  { link: 'https://xyz.com/sampleURL',  linkFoundOn:"https://any-valid-url-here.com" },

// or want to find the links on provided url + the links inside those links - use depth (defaults to 0 )
/* output of all links (img,href,mailto,etc)
  { link: 'https://xyz.com/domains/example', linkFoundOn:"https://any-valid-url-here.com" },
  { link: 'https://xyz.com/sampleURL',  linkFoundOn:"https://any-valid-url-here.com" },
  { link: 'https://xyz.com/domains/ex123', linkFoundOn:"https://xyz.com/domains/example" },
  { link: 'https://xyz.com/trip-nights',  linkFoundOn:"https://xyz.com/domains/example" },
  { link: 'https://xyz.com/someSampleURL786',  linkFoundOn:"https://xyz.com/sampleURL" },


// or want to find the links inside the links inside the URL provided - {use depth:2}
// hope the idea of depth parameter usage is clear. 

Now, to filter out the results based on return status, you can use the filter function

const {livink , filter} = require('livink');

  console.log(links)  // these will be all the links {as shown in above examples}

    console.log(filteredLinksByStatus)  // these will be the links filtered according to the config


config object is like

status: can be a <number>(status code) or <array> of status codes,
statusRange: must be an two item <array> like [min-status-code,max-status-code]
statusClass: can be a <string>(status class) or <array> of status class
  • note 1: string/string array value of statusClass must be from these strings- 'info', 'success', 'redirect', 'clientErr', 'serverErr', 'nonStandard' only. Visit here to see why they are named like this.
  • note 2: only one of the three keys status,statusRange,statusClass must be passed in configuration object as of current version
// use with config object like this


  return filter(links,{
	  status:404    // filters links with 404 status

}).then(filteredLinks => console.log(filteredLinks))
/* sample output
  { link: 'https://xyz.com/example', linkFoundOn:"https://any-valid-url-here.com", returnedStatus: 404 }

// or like this


  return filter(links,{
	  status:[200,404,500]    // filters links with codes in array

}).then(filteredLinks => console.log(filteredLinks))
/* sample output
  { link: 'https://xyz.com/domains/example', linkFoundOn:"https://any-valid-url-here.com", returnedStatus: 200 },
  { link: 'https://xyz.com/example', linkFoundOn:"https://any-valid-url-here.com", returnedStatus: 404 },
  { link: 'https://xyz.com/some-page#ok', linkFoundOn:"https://any-valid-url-here.com", returnedStatus: 200 },
  { link: 'https://hello.com/new-page/id', linkFoundOn:"https://any-valid-url-here.com", returnedStatus: 500 },
  { link: 'https://xyz.com/', linkFoundOn:"https://any-valid-url-here.com", returnedStatus: 400 },
  { link: 'https://abc.com/domains/example', linkFoundOn:"https://any-valid-url-here.com", returnedStatus: 200 }
// or use with statusRange 


  return filter(links,{
	  statusRange:[100,500]    // filters links with status in range (including both)

}).then(filteredLinks => console.log(filteredLinks))
/* sample output
  { link: 'https://xyz.com/domains/example', linkFoundOn:"https://any-valid-url-here.com", returnedStatus: 203 },
  { link: 'https://xyz.com/example', linkFoundOn:"https://any-valid-url-here.com", returnedStatus: 404 },
  { link: 'https://xyz.com/some-page#ok', linkFoundOn:"https://any-valid-url-here.com", returnedStatus: 200 },
  { link: 'https://hello.com/new-page/id', linkFoundOn:"https://any-valid-url-here.com", returnedStatus: 500 },
  { link: 'https://xyz.com/', linkFoundOn:"https://any-valid-url-here.com", returnedStatus: 405 },
  { link: 'https://abc.com/domains/example', linkFoundOn:"https://any-valid-url-here.com", returnedStatus: 200 }
// or use with statusClass


  return filter(links,{
	  statusClass:['clientErr','nonStandard']    // can pass a single string as well

}).then(filteredLinks => console.log(filteredLinks))
/* sample output of clientErrors and nonStandard status codes
  { link: 'https://xyz.com/example', linkFoundOn:"https://any-valid-url-here.com", returnedStatus: 404 },
  { link: 'https://xyz.com/', linkFoundOn:"https://any-valid-url-here.com", returnedStatus: 400 },
  { link: 'https://abc.com/do/it/page', linkFoundOn:"https://any-valid-url-here.com", returnedStatus: 405 }
  { link: 'https://pqr.co.in/this?query=ok', linkFoundOn:"https://any-valid-url-here.com", returnedStatus: 999 }
  • MIT LICENSE :copyright: Pranav Gupta

  • Finding this package useful, star this repo.

  • Found a bug or want a feature, make an issue for it.


4 years ago


4 years ago


4 years ago


4 years ago