0.1.0 • Published 11 years ago

llvm v0.1.0

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11 years ago

NodeJS Bindings for LLVM

Requires LLVM 3.2:

Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install libllvm3.2 llvm-3.2-dev
Fedora: sudo yum install llvm llvm-devel llvm-static

  • Wraps the most important LLVM APIs.
  • A port of the LLVM Kaleidoscope example can be found in examples/. Expressions must be entered on a single line.
  • Uses Node-FFI to make JIT functions callable from JS.
  • Currently does not free LLVM objects' memory when a Module is GC'd.

API: llvm

For details, see the LLVM C++ API documentation and Reference Manual.

llvm = require('llvm')




.getFunctionType(returnType, argTypes)


new llvm.module(id, context)


.getOrInsertFunction(name, funcType)


.name r/w


Inherits Value

.arguments -- modifications to the array are not reflected in the LLVM structure
.basicBlocks -- modifications to the array are not reflected in the LLVM structure

.addBasicBlock(nameOrBlock) - adds an existing block, or creates one if passed a string name. Returns the added block.


Inherits Value

new llvm.BasicBlock(context)



.getPointerTo() -- PointerType to this type


Inherits Type

.const(val, radix) -- Get ConstantInteger from JS number or string and radix


Inherits Type

.const(val) -- Get ConstantFP from JS number or string


Inherits Type


new llvm.IRBuilder(context)

.insertBlock -- the current insertion point block

The following methods create an instruction and add it at the current insertion point, returning the instruction's value:

.createCondBr(cond, destT, destF)
.createSwitch(V, defaultBlock) -- creates SwitchInst with .addCase(value, block) and .setDefaultDest(block)
.createCall(func, args)
.createAlloca(type, arraySize, name)
.createLoad(ptr, name)
.createStore(val, ptr, name)
.createGEP(ptr, idxList, name)
.createPHI(type, name) -- creates PHINode with .addIncoming(block, value)
.createSelect(cond, vTrue, vFalse)

.createAdd(l, r, name, hasNUW, hasNSW)
.createSub(l, r, name, hasNUW, hasNSW)
.createMul(l, r, name, hasNUW, hasNSW)
.createShl(l, r, name, hasNUW, hasNSW)

.createUDiv(l, r, name, isExact)
.createSDiv(l, r, name, isExact)
.createLShr(l, r, name, isExact)
.createAShr(l, r, name, isExact)

.createNSWAdd(l, r, name)
.createNUWAdd(l, r, name)
.createFAdd(l, r, name)
.createNSWSub(l, r, name)
.createNUWSub(l, r, name)
.createFSub(l, r, name)
.createNSWMul(l, r, name)
.createNUWMul(l, r, name)
.createFMul(l, r, name)
.createExactUDiv(l, r, name)
.createExactSDiv(l, r, name)
.createFDiv(l, r, name)
.createURem(l, r, name)
.createSRem(l, r, name)
.createFRem(l, r, name)
.createAnd(l, r, name)
.createOr(l, r, name)
.createXor(l, r, name)

.createICmpEQ(l, r, name)
.createICmpNE(l, r, name)
.createICmpUGT(l, r, name)
.createICmpUGE(l, r, name)
.createICmpULT(l, r, name)
.createICmpULE(l, r, name)
.createICmpSGT(l, r, name)
.createICmpSGE(l, r, name)
.createICmpSLT(l, r, name)
.createICmpSLE(l, r, name)
.createFCmpOEQ(l, r, name)
.createFCmpOGT(l, r, name)
.createFCmpOGE(l, r, name)
.createFCmpOLT(l, r, name)
.createFCmpOLE(l, r, name)
.createFCmpONE(l, r, name)
.createFCmpORD(l, r, name)
.createFCmpUNO(l, r, name)
.createFCmpUEQ(l, r, name)
.createFCmpUGT(l, r, name)
.createFCmpUGE(l, r, name)
.createFCmpULT(l, r, name)
.createFCmpULE(l, r, name)
.createFCmpUNE(l, r, name)

.createNSWNeg(v, name)
.createNUWNeg(v, name)
.createFNeg(v, name)
.createNot(v, name)
.createIsNull(v, name)
.createIsNotNull(v, name)

.createTrunc(v, type, name)
.createZExt(v, type, name)
.createSExt(v, type, name)
.createFPToUI(v, type, name)
.createFPToSI(v, type, name)
.createUIToFP(v, type, name)
.createSIToFP(v, type, name)
.createFPTrunc(v, type, name)
.createFPExt(v, type, name)
.createPtrToInt(v, type, name)
.createIntToPtr(v, type, name)
.createBitCast(v, type, name)
.createZExtOrBitCast(v, type, name)
.createSExtOrBitCast(v, type, name)
.createTruncOrBitCast(v, type, name)
.createPointerCast(v, type, name)
.createFPCast(v, type, name)


Inherits Value

.addIncoming(value, block)


.addCase(value, block)


new llvm.FunctionPassManager(module)


The following methods create and add an llvm::Pass to the PassManager:



new llvm.ExecutionEngine(module)

.getPointerToFunction(fnName) -- Get 0-byte Buffer at the JIT'd function's address.
.getFFIFunction(fnName) -- Wrap the compiled function with the FFI library, returning a JavaScript callable.