0.1.0 • Published 8 years ago

local-fonts-macos v0.1.0

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Last release
8 years ago


(WIP) Finds all locally installed fonts on macOS

Uses an Objective-C FFI to access the NSFontManager class and generate a list of locally installed and available fonts along with their attributes.


$ npm install --save local-fonts-macos



Without passing in any options an object is returned containing every available font family and an array of integers encoded with the attributes of each variant within the family.

const findLocalFonts = require('local-fonts-macos');
findLocalFonts().then(fonts => console.log(fonts));
// {  
//   'Abril Fatface': [ 49154 ],
//   Acre: [ 24576 ],
//   'Advent Pro': [ 20480, 12288, 12288, 24576, 32770, 36866, 12352 ],
//   'Afta serif': [ 20480, 20481 ],


Optionally have the encoded attributes expanded, but this is really slow and redundant.

const findLocalFonts = require('local-fonts-macos');
findLocalFonts({ expanded: true }).then(fonts => console.log(fonts));
//   'Abril Fatface':
//    [ { postscriptName: 'AbrilFatface-Regular',
//        style: 'Bold',
//        width: 'Normal',
//        layout: 'Normal',
//        weight: 'Normal' } ],
//   Acre:
//    [ { postscriptName: 'Acre-Medium',
//        style: 'Normal',
//        width: 'Normal',
//        layout: 'Normal',
//        weight: 'Medium' } ],
//   'Advent Pro':
//    [ { postscriptName: 'AdventPro-Regular',
//        style: 'Normal',
//        width: 'Normal',
//        layout: 'Normal',
//        weight: 'Regular' },
//      { postscriptName: 'AdventPro-ExtraLight',
//        style: 'Normal',
//        width: 'Normal',
//        layout: 'Normal',
//        weight: 'Light' },
//      { postscriptName: 'AdventPro-Light',
//        style: 'Normal',
//        width: 'Normal',
//        layout: 'Normal',
//        weight: 'Light' },
//      { postscriptName: 'AdventPro-Medium',
//        style: 'Normal',
//        width: 'Normal',
//        layout: 'Normal',
//        weight: 'Medium' },
//      { postscriptName: 'AdventPro-SemiBold',
//        style: 'Bold',
//        width: 'Normal',
//        layout: 'Normal',
//        weight: 'SemiBold' },
//      { postscriptName: 'AdventPro-Bold',
//        style: 'Bold',
//        width: 'Normal',
//        layout: 'Normal',
//        weight: 'Bold' },
//      { postscriptName: 'AdventPro-Thin',
//        style: 'Normal',
//        width: 'Condensed',
//        layout: 'Normal',
//        weight: 'Light' } ],
//   'Afta serif':
//    [ { postscriptName: 'Aftaserif',
//        style: 'Normal',
//        width: 'Normal',
//        layout: 'Normal',
//        weight: 'Regular' },
//      { postscriptName: 'Aftaserif-Italic',
//        style: 'Italic',
//        width: 'Normal',
//        layout: 'Normal',
//        weight: 'Regular' } ],
// ...............

Attribute encoding

Styles (bits 1-4)
1 - Italic
2 - Bold

Widths (bits 5-8)
1 - Narrow
2 - Expanded
4 - Condensed
8 - SmallCaps

Layouts (bits 9-12)
4 - Monospace

Weights (bits 13-16)
1 - Thin
2 - Thin
3 - Light
4 - Regular
5 - Regular
6 - Medium
7 - Medium
8 - SemiBold
9 - Bold
10 - ExtraBold
11 - Black


Working on implementing a bridge to the Core Text framework to query additional font attributes/descriptors and allow access to more low-level functionalities involved in creating/displaying fonts.


MIT © Scott M. Rogers