2.0.0 • Published 9 years ago

local-router v2.0.0

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Last release
9 years ago


A small, hash-based router for the browser.

Note: Due to an issue in prettydiff, the minified ES6 version of the code resides in a directory. The file you want to use is dist/router.es6.min.js/dist/router.es6.js instead of dist/router.es6.min.js. This issue has been fixed in prettydiff, but hasn't been published to NPM yet.
I have a new, leaner method queued (using escompress, which relies on Babel), but due to an issue in that module (#6), this code fails to minify.


The source code resides in router.js. The build system provides some transformed versions in the dist directory. All these files are wrapped in the UMD module format.
Here's a detailed overview of the different files:


You can either download the files from GitHub, or use NPM instead:

npm install local-router

Then you can either include local-router in your Browserify or RequireJS bundle, or load it directly in your HTML page, with a <script> tag.


This module exports a single class, Router. Create an instance of this class, passing in two objects: routes (required) and options (optional).

Supported options are:


Required, object(string -> boolean).
An object mapping route names (e.g. about, result) to booleans, indicating whether that route accepts any arguments, or objects with encode and/or decode methods. The encode method will be passed the data passed to Router.go() and is expected to return a stringified version of it. The decode method will be passed the data string from the URL and is expected to return the data it contains. If either one is not specified (or you pass true), the default encode/decode methods will be used instead (respectively)


A string representing the default route. If an invalid route is browsed to, the browser will be redirected to this route. If left out, index will be used.


A string that is used to prefix the class names added to the document body, e.g. browsing to #index will add the page-index class to the body. The default is page-.


String or Element.
The HTML element or id or CSS selector of the HTMl element to add the classes to. Default is the body.


The string separating the name of the route and the data in the URL. Default: -.


Here is an example of how to make a new Router:

const router = new Router({
  input: false,
  result: {
    encode: function(data) {return data;},
    decode: function(str) {return str;}
}, {
  index: "input",
  prefix: "mode-"

This router would accepts routes like: #input, #result-abcdef, #result-, #result-Tuur_Dutoit... If an invalid route is browsed to (e.g. #non-existent, or just /), the browser is redirected to #input. The class names added to the body will be: mode-input or mode-result, depending on the current route, of course.

Router.on(string route, function callback)

Adds a callback to the router. When the user browses to #route (substituting route with the route argument, of course), this callback will be called. If the route accepts a data string, the decoded data will be passed in the first argument.
Here's an example:

router.on("result", data => {
  console.log(`result: ${data}`);

If the user then browses to #result-hello, the string result: hello will be logged.

Router.off(string route, function callback)

Removes the callback from this router, i.e. does the opposite of router.on.

Router.go(string route, any data)

Redirect the browser to a route. If this route accepts a data string, the encoded data string will be added after the separator.
Here are a few examples:

router.go("result", "hello");

The browser will be redirected to #input, #result-hello and #result- respectively. In the first and last examples, no data will be passed to the callbacks.