1.1.2 • Published 4 years ago

local-storage-pro v1.1.2

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Last release
4 years ago

Local Storage Pro

A Web storage spec compliant cross browser local storage library.

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This library simply wraps window.localStorage api and provide in-memory fallback if localStorage is not available for some reason. There are other libraries such as localForage and store.js to persist data in whatever it takes mind but this library is not that kind. It simply use localStorage, extend its functionality and fallback to in-memory way at worst case.

API of this library is same as the api of window.localStorage as specified in w3.org/TR/webstorage/.


npm i local-storage-pro


There are different types of distributions depending on your use case. Essentially, the package can be imported via require:

const store = require('local-storage-pro')

or via script tag:

<script src="https://unpkg.com/local-storage-pro@1/dist/local-storage-pro.iife.js" crossorigin type="text/javascript"></script>

but there are lots of other options. See distribution report below.


Simply require and initiate the object:

store.setItem('name', 'Murat')

localStorage and memory are the two drivers that this library use for storing data. localStorage prior to the memory if browser supports localStorage. memory always available.


Basic Functionality

store.setItem(key, value)






Error Handling

The library has a simple event emitter integrated. Errors can be catched by listening the error event:

store.on('error', function(err, debug) {
  // err is the js native error object
  // debug is also a native error object but raised by the driver

Extra Functionality

An Optional driver Argument

All methods accept an optional driver argument. The developer may specify memory in cases which key-value pair may be persisted for a short time. Default is localStorage if supported by the browser.

.setItem(key, value, driver)

.getItem(key, driver)

.removeItem(key, driver)


.key(index, driver)


// userID is going to be saved in localStorage
store.setItem('userID', 1234567890)

// user is updating profile and selected a photo.
// we are going to keep it in memory
store.setItem('profilePhotoToBeUploaded', '==bA12332...as9d1', 'memory')

// we can get userID
const userID = store.getItem('userID')

// and profile photo but by specifying memory as the driver
const photo = store.getItem('profilePhotoToBeUploaded', 'memory')

Exporting Store As JSON

Simple call .json():

const json = store.json()
// {userID: 1234567890}

Add More Drivers

Although it's not recommended, the library allow you to add more drivers to use as a kind of memory. See files in source/drivers to learn the structure of a driver.

store.addDriver('myCustomDriver', MyCustomDriver)
// now it's default driver

Distributions Report

This is an auto-generated report that shows the type, name and size of the bundles available to use individually.

  "local-storage-pro.amd.js (4.88 KB)",
  "local-storage-pro.amd.polyfilled.js (13.55 KB)",
  "local-storage-pro.cjs.js (4.89 KB)",
  "local-storage-pro.cjs.polyfilled.js (13.55 KB)",
  "local-storage-pro.es.js (4.74 KB)",
  "local-storage-pro.es.polyfilled.js (13.41 KB)",
  "local-storage-pro.iife.js (4.88 KB)",
  "local-storage-pro.iife.polyfilled.js (13.55 KB)",
  "local-storage-pro.umd.js (5.17 KB)",
  "local-storage-pro.umd.polyfilled.js (13.84 KB)"

Babel Polyfills Report

This is an auto-generated report that shows the pollyfils added by core-js to the pollyfilled distributions based on the targets configuration described below.

// polyfills:
// based on the targets:
  "android": "83",
  "chrome": "49",
  "edge": "18",
  "firefox": "68",
  "ie": "9",
  "ios": "9.3",
  "opera": "68",
  "safari": "5.1",
  "samsung": "4"

Thanks for watching 🐬
