0.0.3 • Published 3 years ago

local-tfjs-models v0.0.3

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Last release
3 years ago


This is a repo of local open source tfjs-models. For some reason you know, we can not fetch models from google storage service in some region of the world. So we can not directly use the npm: @tensorflow-models.

This is a collection repo of tfjs-models. Then you can deploy these models in your local or cdn enviroment.

Available Models from unpkg cdn

1. blazeface model:

2. facemesh model:

3. imagescore model:

This model is downloaded from bilibili.com. They use this model to score image to decide which image should probally be the cover of the video.
It is for study usage only. I am not sure whether you can use it freely.
By the way, trainning a image score model is pretty simple, you can do it on your own dataset.

4. cartoon-GAN model:

This model is downloaded from the POST Generate Anime using CartoonGAN and TensorFlow 2.0.
And you can train your own model through the author's repo: https://github.com/mnicnc404/CartoonGan-tensorflow
There are 4 cartoon style pretrained models: hayao, hosoda, paprika, shinkai (they are the 4 famous Japanese cartoon artists' names).

how to use it

import * as tf from '@tensorflow/tfjs';

    "hayao": "https://unpkg.com/local-tfjs-models@0.0.3/cartoon-GAN/hayao/model.json",   
    "hosoda": "https://unpkg.com/local-tfjs-models@0.0.3/cartoon-GAN/hosoda/model.json",
    "paprika": "https://unpkg.com/local-tfjs-models@0.0.3/cartoon-GAN/paprika/model.json",
    "shinkai": "https://unpkg.com/local-tfjs-models@0.0.3/cartoon-GAN/shinkai/model.json"   

type STYLE_TYPE = "hayao" | "hosoda" | "paprika" | "shinkai";

async function setupModel(style: STYLE_TYPE): Promise<tf.GraphModel> {
    const model = await tf.loadGraphModel(STYLE_MODEL_URL_MAP[style]);
    // this predict action is used to save time, because every first predict action is very slow.
    model.predict(tf.zeros([1, 1, 1, 3]));
    return model;

function predict(
    model: tf.GraphModel, 
    inputImgElement: HTMLImageElement | HTMLCanvasElement, 
    outputElement: HTMLCanvasElement
) {
    // convert the input image to tensor accepted by model
    let inputTensor = tf.browser.fromPixels(inputImgElement);
    inputTensor = inputTensor.toFloat();
    inputTensor = inputTensor.reverse(2);
    inputTensor = tf.expandDims(inputTensor, 0);

    let outputTensor = model.predict(inputTensor as tf.Tensor<tf.Rank>) as tf.Tensor<tf.Rank>;
    // convert the predict tensor to output image
    outputTensor = tf.squeeze(outputTensor, [0]);
    outputTensor = outputTensor.reverse(2);
    outputTensor = outputTensor.mul(0.5).add(0.5);
    outputTensor = tf.clipByValue(outputTensor, 0, 1);

    // put the result into canvas element.
    tf.browser.toPixels(outputTensor as tf.Tensor2D, outputElement);


// main
*   style: the name of style model
*   img: the input image/canvas element
*   out: the output canvas element

// load and init model
const model = await setupModel(style = "hayao");
// predict the result and paint it to the output canvas element
predict(model, img, out);

3 years ago


3 years ago


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4 years ago


4 years ago