2.2.23 • Published 4 years ago

location_wh v2.2.23

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4 years ago

White Label is an application that collects data information from the user.

This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.

Project Setup yarn install

Description: It will install all the dependencies of project.

yarn start

Runs the app in the development mode. Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.

username :ss pwd : ss@123

Low Level Design , Project file and folder structure

Core Component wizard src/core/components/wizard

working on it HOC

Auth Component src/core/components/auth

This is higher order function component. This will help in Authentication, and then it will initiate the shipping label marker project. --- To run this, go to http://localhost:3000](http://localhost:3000) and enter the username :ss pwd : ss@123 --- Basic validation is added for now for login button

Util Folder src/util

This is used as utility for common functionality

common folder src/common

It is used for common components like Header, footer , signup etc.

UI library

Material UI - Modified the css accordingly as per template

End to End Testing src/e2e


File of Testcafe is located at e2e/app.js. A basic test case is written to validate whole application workflow. Configuration is added for only chrome browser for now. But we can modified the configuations as per our requirement. Ideally we should add all browsers to verify the code .

End to End Testing src/e2e


File of Testcafe is located at e2e/app.js. A basic test case is written to validate whole application workflow. Configuration is added for only chrome browser for now. But we can modified the configuations as per our requirement. Ideally we should add all browsers to verify the code .

Unit testing()

React testing library


###yarn test` Launches the test runner in the interactive watch mode.

yarn build

Builds the app for production to the build folder.

yarn pr

This command will help in identifying Lint errors, run unit, and end to end test cases and to create deployable code for the production.

yarn prettier

This command will beautify/format the code.

yarn lint

This command will help to identify Lint errors.

yarn test:e2e

This command will run end to end test cases.


Husky hook is added to prevent bad git commit, and push. And pre-commit and pre-push hook is added to prevent the bad git push and commit `