1.3.0 • Published 2 years ago

locustjs-exception v1.3.0

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2 years ago


This library provides a base Exception class and a TryCatch utlity class with three Try(), Catch() and Finally() functions.

Exception class

Exception class provides a better and more meaningful error compared to javascript's internal object. It is a base class from which all business exceptions should be derived.




  • settings: an Exception, Error or custom object.


It has the following properties:

namestringexception nameArgumentNullExceptionexception class name
baseNamestringError object from which the exception is createdundefined
messagestringexception messageargument 'a' is null or undefinedempty string
codenumbererror code200500undefined
statusstringstatus codeargument-is-nullempty string
hoststringHosting application from which the exception is raisedChrome58.0undefined
dateDateThe time the exception is raised2020-09-15T13:24:42new Date()
dataobjectcustom data included with the exception{ fn: 'John', ln: 'Doe'}null
stackstringfunction call stack at the time the exception was raisedError.captureStackTrace()
stackTraceStackTracea helper StackTrace object that simplifies iterating in the stack infonull
innerExceptionExceptionan exception by which current exception is raisednull
fileNamestringname of the javascript source file in which the exception was raisedmyapp.jsundefined
lineNumbernumberline number in the javascript source file in which the exception was raised12undefined
columnNumbernumbercolumn number in the javascript source file in which the exception was raised5undefined


  • toString(separator): converts the exception including with its inner exception into a string separated by given separator (default = \n).
  • flatten(): converts he hierarchy of the exception and its inner exceptions into an array.

example 1:

	const ex = new Exception({
		message: 'calling web api failed',
		code: 100324,
		status: 'call-api-failed',
		data: { url: '/api/v1/product', method: 'POST' data: { id: 1, title: 'Product II' } }

example 2:

	try {
		var f;

	} catch (e) {
		const ex = new Exception(e);


 "name": "Exception",
 "baseName": "TypeError",
 "message": "Cannot read property 'test' of undefined",
 "stack": "TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'test')
    at foo (file:///C:/path/to/my/app/test.html:46:7)
    at HTMLButtonElement.<anonymous> (file:///C:/path/to/my/app/test.html:51:7)
    at HTMLButtonElement.dispatch (https://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.8.3.min.js:2:38053)
    at HTMLButtonElement.u (https://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.8.3.min.js:2:33916)",
 "stackTrace": {
 "items": [
	   "line": 46,
	   "col": 7,
	   "callSite": "foo",
	   "source": "file:///C:/path/to/my/app/test.html",
	   "message": "    at foo (file:///C:/path/to/my/app/test.html:46:7)"
	   "line": 51,
	   "col": 7,
	   "callSite": "HTMLButtonElement.<anonymous>",
	   "source": "file:///C:/path/to/my/app/test.html",
	   "message": "    at HTMLButtonElement.<anonymous> (file:///C:/path/to/my/app/test.html:51:7)"
	   "line": 2,
	   "col": 38053,
	   "callSite": "HTMLButtonElement.dispatch",
	   "source": "https://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.8.3.min.js",
	   "message": "    at HTMLButtonElement.dispatch (https://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.8.3.min.js:2:38053)"
	   "line": 2,
	   "col": 33916,
	   "callSite": "HTMLButtonElement.u",
	   "source": "https://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.8.3.min.js",
	   "message": "    at HTMLButtonElement.u (https://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.8.3.min.js:2:33916)\""
 "innerException": null,
 "data": null,
 "date": "2022-10-16T11:42:10.223Z"

Derived classes

  • PropertyReadOnlyException
  • AbstractInstantiationException
  • NotImplementedException
  • ArgumentNullException
  • ArgumentEmptyException
  • NotInstanceOfException
  • InvalidHttpMethodException


This utility class processes a string stack-trace value and populates a list of StackTraceItem objects to facilitate working with a stack-trace information.


	StackTrace(stackTrace: string)


  • stackTrace: strack trace of a javascript error object


itemsStackTraceItemList of stack-trace items


	const st = new StackTrace(`"TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'test')
    at foo (file:///C:/path/to/my/app/test.html:46:7)
    at HTMLButtonElement.<anonymous> (file:///C:/path/to/my/app/test.html:51:7)
    at HTMLButtonElement.dispatch (https://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.8.3.min.js:2:38053)
    at HTMLButtonElement.u (https://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.8.3.min.js:2:33916)"`);

	console.log(JSON.stringify(st, null, ' '));

 "items": [
   "line": 46,
   "col": 7,
   "callSite": "foo",
   "source": "file:///C:/path/to/my/app/test.html",
   "message": "    at foo (file:///C:/path/to/my/app/test.html:46:7)"
   "line": 51,
   "col": 7,
   "callSite": "HTMLButtonElement.<anonymous>",
   "source": "file:///C:/path/to/my/app/test.html",
   "message": "    at HTMLButtonElement.<anonymous> (file:///C:/path/to/my/app/test.html:51:7)"
   "line": 2,
   "col": 38053,
   "callSite": "HTMLButtonElement.dispatch",
   "source": "https://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.8.3.min.js",
   "message": "    at HTMLButtonElement.dispatch (https://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.8.3.min.js:2:38053)"
   "line": 2,
   "col": 33916,
   "callSite": "HTMLButtonElement.u",
   "source": "https://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.8.3.min.js",
   "message": "    at HTMLButtonElement.u (https://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.8.3.min.js:2:33916)\""


This utility class processes one line of a stack-trace information and presents it as an object by extracting its details.


	StackTraceItem(line: string)


  • line: one line of a stack-trace information


linenumberline number of error
colnumbercolumn number of error
callSitestringfunction name at which the error was raised
sourcestringfile name the error was raised at
messagestringgiven error info


	let sti;
	sti = new StackTraceItem(`"	at foo (file:///C:/path/to/my/app/test.html:46:7)"`);

	console.log(JSON.stringify(sti, null, ' '));
		line: 46,
		col: 7,
		callSite: "foo",
		source: "file:///C:/path/to/my/app/test.html"

	sti = new StackTraceItem(`"	    at <anonymous>:1:10"`);

	console.log(JSON.stringify(sti, null, ' '));
		line: 1,
		col: 10,
		callSite: "<anonymous>",
		source: ""

Utility functions

  • throwIfInstantiateAbstract(classType, instance, host)

    	checks whether classType is an abstract class and if so, throws a new AbstractInstantiationException()
  • throwIfNotInstanceOf(argName, classType, instance, ignoreNull = false, host = '')

    	checks whether given object is an instance of the specified classType. If not, it throws a new NotInstanceOfException()
  • throwIfNull(arg, argName, host)

    	checks whether arg is null or not and if so, it throws a new ArgumentNullException().
  • throwIfEmpty

    	checks whether arg is empty or not and if so, it throws a new ArgumentEmptyException().
  • throwNotImplementedException

    	throws a new NotImplementedException()
  • throwPropertyReadOnlyException

    	throws a new PropertyReadOnlyException()



Assume we have the following functions:

function f1(a) { return a.length }
function f2(a) { console.log(f1(a)) }

The ordinary try/catch approach is this way:

	try {
	} catch (e) {
	} finally {

Here is various examples of using Try/Catch:

example 1 (basic):

 Try(_ => f2())
.Catch(e => console.log(e))
.Finally(_ => console.log('Finished.'))

example 2:

function f1(a) {
	if (a == null) {
		throw new ArgumentNullException('a');
	return a.length
function f2(a) { console.log(f1(a)) }

.Catch(ArgumentNullException, e => console.log(e.message)
.Catch(e => console.log(`Other exception raised: ${e}`))	// this Catch() is not triggered
.Finally(_ => console.log('Finished.'))

example 3: verbose

const x = Try(_ => f2());

console.log('do something outside of previous Try');

x.Catch(e => console.log(e));
x.Finally(_ => console.log('Finished.'));

/* output:
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
    at f2 (<anonymous>:1:69)
    at f1 (<anonymous>:1:30)
    at TryCatch._fn (<anonymous>:1:19)
    at TryCatch.Run (<anonymous>:93:22)
    at Try (<anonymous>:161:16)
    at <anonymous>:1:9
    at <anonymous>:3:42

example 4: external catch (not possible using traditional try/catch)

function doSomething(a) {
	return Try(_ => {
		console.log(`name: ${a.name}`);

	.Catch(e => console.log(e))