1.0.4 • Published 6 years ago
lodash-advanced v1.0.4
Lodash Advanced Filters for Node.js
Main Features
- Adds "where" Filter to lodash which supports similar finders to most good db ORMs
Adds Helpful utils to lodash
- lodash.forceArray ensures that the value is an array or makes it a 1 element array and returns
- lodash.between Check if a value is between two other values (supports Date's too)
- lodash.where Filter an array using complex filters on properties, supports "and","or" and nested
- lodash.allTruthy Check if all values in an array are Truthy or Functions that return Truthy when executed
- lodash.anyTruthy Check if ANY values in an array are Truty or Functions that return Truthy when executed
- lodash.uuid Get a UUID value (uuid/v4)
- lodash.isPromise Check if a value is a Promise or something that has a "then" function as a property
- lodash.splitUntil Split a string limiting the results and re-joining any remaining items as the last element
- lodash.isJSON Get the value type of a JSON stringified value, used to detect if a string is a serialized Object or Array or what not
- lodash.ilike Do a case Insensitive RegEx compare against a value
- lodash.like Do a case Sensitive RegEx compare against a value
- lodash.annotate Rekey and object to use its path as the key in a flat object dot separated
- lodash.deannotate Restore an object to its deep original form which was annotated using lodash.annotate
- lodash.isDate Check if a value is a Date, a Date String, or a number which can be used as a date, like from Date.getTime()
Support for lodash.runInContext
- Can be loaded onto a clean lodash instance by passing options {isolate: true} when loading
Sample Complex Samples combining stuff up
// Get a lodash instance with awesome mixins added
const _ = require('lodash-advanced')();
let rows = [{name: 'jon', age: 13}, {name: 'carol', age: 80}, {name: 'men', age: 15}];
let record = {title: 'blah blah', views: 999, tag: 'people.players.bfc_456.vld'};
// Find items where the age is Greater Than 45
_.where(rows, {age: {gt: 45}})
//RESULT [{name: 'carol', age: 80}]
// Find items where name starts with Jo (CASE INSENSITIVE) OR (age > 70 and name ends with 'ol' CASE SENSITIVE)
_.where(rows, {
or: [
{age: {gt: 70}, name: {like: 'ol$'} },
{name: {ilike: '^jo'} }
//RESULT [{name: 'jon', age: 13}, {name: 'carol', age: 80}]
$ npm install --save lodash-advanced