1.1.1 • Published 5 years ago

lodash-keyarrange v1.1.1

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5 years ago


Lodash plugin to correctly sort the keys within an object.


In JavaScript objects keys are generally stored in the order in which they are created. ES6 formalizes this behaviour.

var a = {};
a.foo = 1;
a.bar = 2;
a.baz = 3;
// a = { foo: 1, bar: 2, baz: 3 }

But sometimes we need to output the object with the keys correctly sorted.

This lodash mixin allows key rearrangement within an object - returning a new object.

You can also deep sort an object with keyArrangeDeep().

Example usage

var _ = require('lodash')

var a = {foo: 'fooValue', bar: 'barValue', baz: 'bazValue'};

console.log( _.keyArrange(a) );
// Outputs { bar: 'barValue', baz: 'bazValue', foo: 'fooValue' }

You can also provide a custom sorter for the keys:

// Example of reverse sorting keys
var obj = {foo: 'fooValue', bar: 'barValue', baz: 'bazValue'};

console.log( _.keyArrange(obj, function(a, b) {
	if (a < b) {
		return 1;
	} else if (b < a) {
		return -1;
	} else {
		return 0;
} ) );

// Outputs { foo: 'fooValue', baz: 'bazValue', bar: 'barValue'  }


It is also possible to traverse an object and arrange all keys. Scalars and array types are left unaltered but all objects will be run via the keyArrange function.

For Example:

var _ = require('lodash')

var out = _.keyArrangeDeep({
	gamma: [
			omegaValue: 123,
			gammaFoo: 'gammaFooValue',
			kappa: {
				gammaKappaBaz: 'hello',
	alpha: 123,
	si: {
		theta: 999,
		eta: 'value!',
	beta: 'hello world',

console.log(JSON.stringify(out, null, "\t"));

Will output:

	"alpha": 123,
	"beta": "hello world",
	"gamma": [
			"gammaFoo": "gammaFooValue",
			"omegaValue": 123
			"kappa": {
				"gammaKappaBaz": "hello"
	"si": {
		"eta": "value!",
		"theta": 999