0.1.1 • Published 10 years ago

log4slow v0.1.1

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Last release
10 years ago


  npm install log4slow


  Log = require("log4slow")
  Log.info("hello, this is infomation")
  Log.warn("hello, this is warning")
  Log.error("hello, this is error")
  Log.debug("hello, this is debug")
  //and can accept  Object or Error
  Log.info({a: 1, b: 2})
  Log.warn([1, 23, 4, 5])
  Log.debug(new Error('test log'))


  cd log4slow
  npm test


 cd log4slow/example


In the default, read the configure appRoot/log4slow.json, if it isn't exists, will use log4slow's default configure

  * Do output to console ?  Boolean or Object    
  * Default: true
  * if show all set 'log2console: true',  otherwise, set 'log2console: false'
  * if just need some of them ,set the type true. 
  * for example just output debug:   
  *     log2console: {debug: true}
  "log2console": true; 

  * Do output timestamp ? Boolean or String.  
  * Default: "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss"
  * if show this, set date foramt string. for example: "YYYYMMDD".  
  * the format rule please see http://momentjs.com/docs
  * otherwish, set timestamp: false
  "timestamp": "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss",

  * Do output log level ?   Boolean    
  * Default: true
  * if true, will output "[DEBUG]|[INFO]|[ERROR]|[WARN]" in console for log
  * if don't need this , set it be false
  "levelShow": true,

  * Do output the file name and line number ?  Boolean or Object. 
  * Default: {error: true, debug: true}
  * if output all type, set "lineInfo": true . otherwise set  set "lineInfo": false
  * if just output for some log level,  set the level be true. 
  * e.g :   lineInfo:{"error": true, "debug": true}
  * Note !!!!!
  *    Output the file name and line number  will consume a lot of system resourse . 
  * Suggestion:
  *    In the develop enviroment , you can set it as you want. 
  *    In the product enviroment, set lineInfo just for error level log.  
  *       for example: lineInfo: {"error": true}
  "lineInfo": {
    "error": true,
    "debug": true,

  * Do output to file ?   Boolean or Object.  
  * Default:  false
  * the rule like  log2cosole
      "debug": false,
      "info": true,
      "warn": true,
      "error": true

   * set the directory for log file.   directory path (absolute path) or  Boolean.   
   * Default: false
   * if false  the log file will be save in app root. 
   * or the path  like  "C:\\logs\\"    "/home/username/logs/"
   "dirRoot": false,

   * Where is log file ?   Array  or Bealean .  
   * Default: false.
   * Note:  it's effective only the log2file be allow
   * log file be save to [app-root|absolute path]/logs  if dirs is false
   * dirs access a Array,  for example like this: ['a', 'd' ], 
   * so the file will be save to  [app-root|absolute path]/a/d
   * it will be format to time if  begin with '$'.
   *    the format rule please the http://momentjs.com/docs
   * it will be format log type if begin with ':'
   * the following option will be format :  
   *    [app-root|absolute path]/logs/2014/07/[error|warn|debug|info]
   "dirs": ["logs", "$YYYY", "$MM", ":type"], 

   * what is name the file ?  String   
   * Default: $YYYMMDD
   * it will be format to time if begin with '$'
   * the following option will be format 20140725

   * Do separately save log file accord log type ?  Boolean or Object .
   * Default: false
   * if error is true:
   *    the log file will be   [app-root|absolute path]/[dirs]/error
   "levelfile": {
      "error": true,
      "info": true,
      "warn": true,
      "error": true


warn, info, error, debug

Accept JSON Object, Error Object , and string,number ...


Accept JSON Object as configure. will replace default configure's property


10 years ago


10 years ago


10 years ago


10 years ago


10 years ago


10 years ago


10 years ago


10 years ago


10 years ago


10 years ago


10 years ago