1.1.2 • Published 4 years ago

logchanges v1.1.2

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Last release
4 years ago


Opinionated changelog creation tool based on git commits and history.

Getting started


npm install logchanges@latest -g



As part of the npm version cycle to update changelog.

// package.json
 "scripts": {
    "preversion": "logchanges && git add CHANGELOG.md && git commit -s -S -m 'chore: update CHANGELOG.md'"


If no version is set the version from the package.json will be taken as latest, there is a way to overwrite it if needed.

logchanges --target 2.3.5


There are two ways to configure

Inside the package.json file as part of changelog section.

  "changelog": {
    // configuration

Or by creating changelogrc.json file inside the root folder.

// changelogrc.json
  // configuration

There is also a option to set a path to json configuration

logchanges --config ./config/changelogrc.json

Configure some of the description of the categories or the date format used into the Markdown.

// Default configuration
  // Unknown categories will be under the `other` scope/category
  default_type: 'other',
  // Default supported category
  types: {
    breaking: 'Breaking Changes',
    build: 'Build System / Dependencies',
    ci: 'Continuous Integration',
    chore: 'Chores',
    docs: 'Documentation Changes',
    feat: 'New Features',
    fix: 'Bug Fixes',
    other: 'Other Changes',
    perf: 'Performance Improvements',
    refactor: 'Refactors',
    revert: 'Reverts',
    style: 'Code Style Changes',
    test: 'Tests'
  // Markdown date format used into the render
  dateFormat: 'mmmm d, yyyy',
  // Default output file when format is Markdown
  outputMarkdown: 'CHANGELOG.md',
  // Default output file when format is JSON
  outputJSON: 'changelog.json'
  // Default format
  format: 'markdown',
  // Specific range
  range: undefined,
  // Exclude commits
  exclude: '',
  // Output location starting from root
  output: undefined,
  // Repo URL
  repoUrl: '',
  // Exclude commit body drom output
  nobody: false,
  // Allow unknown categories
  allowUnknown: false,

Link to repos

If you add --repo-url as param the generated output will include links to online version of the commits like Github, Bitbucket and Gitlab.

logchanges --repo-url http://my.custom.repo/commits

Will result in

Default will be get from package.json repo settings.


The default format is Markdown. But there are additional option like JSON.

logchanges --format json


By default the output will be to CHANGELOG.md or if format is selected to JSON to changelog.json. To change this you could use the --output flag.

logchanges --output PROJECT_CHANGELOG.md

In case that there is need to not write to disk and pipe the output to another command you could use -

logchanges -


For more information check --help

$ logchanges --help

Usage: logchanges [options]

Generate a changelog from git commits.

  -V, --version           output the version number
  -t, --target <version>  specify version
  -c, --config <path>     path to changelogrc.json
  -r, --range <range>     generate from specific tag or range (e.g. v1.2.3 or v1.2.3..v1.2.4)
  -x, --exclude <types>   exclude selected commit types (comma separated)
  -o, --output [file]     file to write to, defaults to ./CHANGELOG.md, use - for stdout (default: "CHANGELOG.md")
  -u, --repo-url [url]    specify the repo URL for commit links, defaults to checking the package.json
  -f, --format [format]   specify the output format defualt is markdown (default: "markdown")
  -nb --nobody [boolean]  ignore the body from commit message
  -a, --allow-unknown     allow unknown commit types
  -h, --help              display help for command

Extending Foramter

import { Changelog, Formater, GitCommit, CliOptions, ChangelogConfiguration } from 'logchanges'

class ArrayFormater extends Formater {
  constructor({ config: ChangelogConfiguration }) {

  render(commits: GitCommit[]): GitCommit[] {
    // Get commits and tranfsorm them as you will
    return commits;

const options: ChangelogConfiguration = {
  range: '282522f5...86a82ff5'

Changelog(options, (commits: GitCommit[], cfg: ChangelogConfiguration) => {
  const format = new ArrayFormater(cfg.config)


Generate historical data

Use --range to set start and end of the history and --target to set version number

logchanges --range a811712..HEAD --target 2.0.5

This could be automated by going over the tags and creating ranges to be scrapped.


tags=(`git tag --sort=creatordate`);

for ((i=0; i < ${#tags[@]}; ++i))

  if test -z $b
    # if you need to get logs including latest chnages uncomment the two lines
    # below and remove the exit(0)
    # b="HEAD"
    # t=$a
    # Don't create log for latest changes

  logchanges --range ${a}...${b} --target ${t} --nobody --allow-unknown

This will result in similar to this

logchanges --range v1.0.1...v1.0.2 --target v1.0.2 --nobody --allow-unknown
logchanges --range v1.0.2...v1.0.3 --target v1.0.3 --nobody --allow-unknown


See the open issues for a list of proposed features (and known issues).


  1. Fork it (https://github.com/bdryanovski/logchanges/fork)
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b feature/fooBar)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some fooBar')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin feature/fooBar)
  5. Create a new Pull Request


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details