0.1.3 • Published 2 years ago

logiq v0.1.3

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2 years ago


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Awesome logical and bitwise operators with support for BigInt and TypedArray


npm install logiq


import {logical, bitwise, bigint, typedArray} from 'logiq';

logical.xor(true, false);
//=> true

bitwise.xor(0b1100, 0b1010);
//=> 6

bigint.xor(0b1100n, 0b1010n);
//=> 6n

typedArray.xor(Uint8Array.of(255, 127, 0), Uint8Array.of(255));
//=> Uint8Array(3) [ 0, 128, 255 ]



import {logical} from 'logiq';

Provides logical connectives that return boolean values. Accepts arguments of type any and converts them to boolean values before processing.


import {bitwise} from 'logiq';

Provides bitwise operators for the basic number type. All numbers in JavaScript are signed, so some functions may flip the sign bit and yield unexpected results.


import {bigint} from 'logiq';

Provides bitwise operators for the bigint type. Operands are automatically converted to bigint before processing. Remember that bigint is signed, so some functions may flip the sign bit and yield unexpected results.


import {typedArray} from 'logiq';

Provides bitwise operators for all of the built-in TypedArray types. Under the hood, the module uses Uint8Array for compatibility between different TypedArray variants. The result is also returned as a Uint8Array.

If the operands differ in byte length, the shorter of the two will be repeated as many times as needed to match the other's length. This is useful in cases where a mask needs to be applied to every block of data in an array.


Each logiq module exports the same set of functions. All binary operators are variadic and left-associative. For example, and(a, b, c) is equivalent to (a AND b) AND c.


Performs logical negation or bitwise NOT.

and(p, q, ...args)

Performs logical conjunction or bitwise AND.

or(p, q, ...args)

Performs logical disjunction or bitwise OR.

imply(p, q, ...args)

Performs logical implication or bitwise IMPLY.

xor(p, q, ...args)

Performs logical exclusive disjunction or bitwise XOR.

nand(p, q, ...args)

Performs logical alternative denial or bitwise NAND.

nor(p, q, ...args)

Performs logical joint denial or bitwise NOR.

nimply(p, q, ...args)

Performs logical nonimplication or bitwise NIMPLY.

xnor(p, q, ...args)

Performs logical biconditional or bitwise XNOR.