1.1.1 • Published 8 years ago

logstreamtool v1.1.1

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8 years ago


Process (json stream) logs in a streaming fashion, doing analyses like summing numbers of events.


logstreamtool [--bole] [--sum hour] < logfile


  • --bole Process timestamps in the time field and parse them as ISO8601 dates.
  • --sum period Sum the values of each field in the period.
  • --mean period Take the mean of the values in each period.
  • --mode period Take the mode of the values in each period.
  • --median period Take the median of the values in each period.
  • --variance period Take the variance of the values in each period.
  • --stdev period Take the standard deviation of the values in each period.
  • --min period Take the minimum value in each period.
  • --max period Take the maximum value in each period.
  • --count period Count the occurances of each key in the period.
  • --first period Take the first value in each period.
  • --last period Take the last value in each period.
  • --sample period Take a random value from each period.


Any period accepted by floordate should work.

  • s, sec, secs, second, seconds
  • m, min, mins, minute, minutes
  • h, hr, hrs, hour, hours
  • d, day, days
  • w, wk, wks, week, weeks
  • M, mon, mons, month, months
  • q, qtr, qtrs, quarter, quarters
  • y, yr, yrs, year, years


logstreamtool --bole --sum minute < logfile

Read a log file written by bole, and sum the values of each field over each minute.