1.0.0 • Published 9 years ago

lookup-deps v1.0.0

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9 years ago

lookup-deps NPM version

Simple API for getting metadata from locally installed npm packages (in node_modules).

What does it do!?

Builds a recursive tree of all dependencies currently installed in node_modules. Allows you to easily get information from the package.json of any locally installed module.


Get the version of the specified dependency:

deps.get('markdown-utils', 'version');
//=> '0.1.0'

Use glob patterns to get the specified property from every dependency:

deps.get('*', 'homepage')

// returns an object like this:
{ globby: 'https://github.com/sindresorhus/globby',
 'is-relative': 'https://github.com/jonschlinkert/is-relative',
 'is-absolute': 'https://github.com/jonschlinkert/is-absolute', ...}

If an object is returned with null values, this means that the package wasn't found at the given path. e.g. it was symlinked by npm.

To get around this, you can pass {findup: true} to the constructor and findup-sync will be used to find the nearest match. This is disabled by default since this is an exception to the rule and it considerably slows down searches.


Install with npm:

npm i lookup-deps --save-dev

Run tests

npm test


var Deps = require('lookup-deps');
var deps = new Deps();



Create a new instance of Lookup.

  • config {Object}: Optionally pass a default config object instead of package.json For now there is no reason to do this.
  • options {Object}
var Lookup = require('lookup-deps');
var deps = new Lookup();


Get a value from the cache.

  • name {Object}: The module to get.
  • props {String}: Property paths.
  • returns: {Object}
// get an entire package.json
//=> { pkg: { name: 'markdown-utils', version: '0.3.0', ... }

// or, get a specific value
deps.get('markdown-utils', 'version');
//=> '0.3.0'


Check to see if a module exists (or at least is on the cache).

  • name {String}: The name to check.
  • returns: {String}
//=> true


Get the keys for dependencies for the specified package.

  • config {Object|String}: The name of the module, or package.json config object.
  • returns: {Object}
//=> [ 'is-absolute', 'kind-of', 'relative', ... ]


  • filepath {String}
  • returns: {String}

Find a package.json for the given module by name, starting the search at the given cwd.


Build a dependency tree by recursively reading in package.json files for projects in node_modules.

  • cwd {String}: The root directory to search from.
  • returns: {Object}


Filter the entire cache object to have only packages with names that match the given glob patterns.

  • patterns {String|Array}: Glob patterns to use for filtering modules.
  • keyPatterns {String|Array}: Glob patterns to use for filtering the keys on each object.
  • returns {Object}: Filtered object.

You may also filter the keys on each object by passing additional glob patterns as a second argument.

//=> {'markdown-utils': {...}}

// exclude the `readme` key from package.json objects
deps.filter('markdown-*', ['*', '!readme']);
//=> {'markdown-utils': {...}}


Returns an object of all modules that have the given module as a dependency. Glob patterns may be used for filtering.

  • patterns {String|Array}: Glob patterns to use for filtering.
  • returns {Object}: Object of parent modules.


Return a list of names of all resolved packages from node_modules that match the given glob patterns. If no pattern is provided the entire list is returned.

  • patterns {String|Array}: Glob patterns to use for filtering.
  • returns {Array}: Array of keys.
//=> ['markdown-utils']


Find a module or modules using glob patterns, and return an object filtered to have only the specified props. Note that package.json objects are stored on the pkg property for each module.

  • patterns {String}
  • props {String}
  • returns: {Object}

Properties are specified using object paths:

deps.find('for-*', 'pkg.repository.url');

// results in:
// { 'for-own': 'git://github.com/jonschlinkert/for-own.git',
//   'for-in': 'git://github.com/jonschlinkert/for-in.git' }


A convenience proxy for the .find() method to specifically search the pkg object of each module on the cache.

  • patterns {String}
  • props {String}
  • returns: {Object}
deps.lookup('for-*', 'repository.url');

// results in:
// { 'for-own': 'git://github.com/jonschlinkert/for-own.git',
//   'for-in': 'git://github.com/jonschlinkert/for-in.git' }


Get the path to a module or modules, relative to the current working directory. Glob patterns may be used.

  • patterns {String}
  • returns: {String}


Get the package.json objects for the given module or modules. Glob patterns may be used.

  • patterns {String}
  • returns: {String}


Get the dependencies for the given modules. Glob patterns may be used.

  • patterns {String}
  • returns: {Object}
//=> { multimatch: { 'array-differ': '^1.0.0', ... } }


Get the devDependencies for the given modules. Glob patterns may be used.

  • patterns {String}
  • returns: {Object}
//=> { multimatch: { 'array-differ': '^1.0.0', ... } }


Get the keywords for the given modules.

  • patterns {String}
  • returns: {String}
//=> { multimatch: [ 'minimatch', 'match', ... ] }


Get the homepage for the specified modules.

  • patterns {String}
  • returns: {String}
//=> { 'markdown-utils': 'https://github.com/jonschlinkert/markdown-utils' }


Get a list of markdown-formatted links, from the homepage properties of the specified modules.

  • patterns {String}
  • returns: {String}
//=> [markdown-utils](https://github.com/jonschlinkert/markdown-utils)


Get a list of markdown-formatted links, from the homepage properties of the specified modules.

  • patterns {String}
  • returns: {String}
//=> [markdown-utils]: https://github.com/jonschlinkert/markdown-utils


Jon Schlinkert


Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Jon Schlinkert
Released under the MIT license

This file was generated by verb on February 03, 2015.