2.0.0 • Published 5 years ago

loopback-connector-zosconnectee v2.0.0

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5 years ago

Module LTS Adopted'

LoopBack connector for z/OS Connect Enterprise Edition

IBM® z/OS® Connect Enterprise Edition (EE) extends the value of applications that run on z/OS by allowing efficient and scalable APIs for contemporary mobile and cloud applications to be easily created. The loopback-connector-zosconnectee module is the LoopBack connector for z/OS Connect Enterprise Edition.

Note: loopback-connector-zosconnectee leverages loopback-connector-rest LoopBack connector for performing RESTful invocations to z/OS Connect EE server.

Create a datasource

Run the command lb datasource and follow the prompts, selecting the z/OS Connect Enterprise Edition connector.

Configure the datasource

Run the command lb zosconnectee which will connect to the z/OS Connect EE server and present a list of APIs that are installed in the server allowing you to select the one to configure this datasource for.

Configuration elements

"zcon": {
    "password": "fredpwd",
    "name": "zcon",
    "baseURL": "http://example:10112",
    "user": "fred",
    "connector": "zosconnectee"

The following table describes the connector properties.

baseURLStringz/OS Connect EE server location
passwordStringpassword associated with the username above


You may further edit the generated template file located in your LoopBack application under server/<datasource_name>_template.json for customizing the function names, parameters, etc,.

Known Caveats

  • Cannot view/edit the z/OS Connect datasource through apic edit graphical console
  • timeout functionality (attribute in the connectors settings) is not yet implemented

Module Long Term Support Policy

This module adopts the Module Long Term Support (LTS) policy, with the following End Of Life (EOL) dates:

Module VersionRelease DateMinimum EOLEOL WithStatus
V2.0.0May 2020Apr 2022Node 12Current
V1.0.0Nov 2017Dec 2019Node 8End of life