0.25.1 • Published 2 days ago

lowcode-data-app v0.25.1

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2 days ago

Prototype of a "Low Code Data App".

General Idea

It starts with a generic, secure web gui.

Entities can be defined on-the-fly, as well as their relationship. Web forms and lists are generated to maintain data (documents) of this entities.

A powerful State Model can optionally be attached to entities (see "Task List" example). You define actions for state changes, e.g. "Start Progress". Selected data fields are displayed in the state change form.

All data, users and authorizations are within hierarchical scopes (like tenants). Entity definitions and data can be inherited to lower hierarchy scopes. A web gui user can switch the scope in the gui.

Entities are bundled in apps, so they can be exported and imported via a app marketplace. Apps are installed and can be customized within a scope. Tags can also be used to assign apps to a scope.

To start process adapters can subscribe to events, e.g. data changes. Adapters use service credentials defined on a dedicated scope.

All operations are exposed as API, e.g. for the adapters.


Run it

git clone https://github.com/ma-ha/lowcode-data-app.git
cd lowcode-data-app/app
npm i
node example-standalone | node_modules/bunyan/bin/bunyan 

Open http://localhost:8888/app/index.html

Login with user demo and password demo.

A sample "database" is initialized already, so you should see already some apps, entities and data.

Sample code

Standalone mode using it as npm package: https://www.npmjs.com/package/lowcode-data-app

let lowCodeApp = require( 'lowcode-data-app' )

let app = lowCodeApp.init({
  DATA_DIR : '../dta/',
  GUI_URL  : 'http://localhost:8888/app/',
  URL_PATH : '/app',
  OIDC_SERVER : true

The init(...) returns the easy-web-app, so the whole API is open for customizing, e.g. app.getExpress() to add API routes or gui.pages['main'].addFooterLink(...) to modify the footer.

Getting Started With Empty DB

Create User

  1. Login as "demo" / "demo"
  2. Open "Users" tab
  3. Add a new user with developer and admin role enabled
  4. Logout and Login with new user
  5. In Open "Users" tab, click the "deactivate" button for the "demo" user

Add a new App

  1. Open "Customize" tab
  2. In the "Add App" form enter an Id (e.g. "MyAwesomeApp), a name (e.g. "Mz Awesome App"), Scope (e.g. "Test Tenant", if all is still default), role "AppUser" and click "Add"

Add Entities to the new App

  1. In the newly created app click "Manage Entities"
  2. In the "Add / Update Entity" form define an ID (e.g. "Customer") and a title (Optional, but can contain spaces and special characters) and push the "Add" button.
  3. Click "Manage Properties"
  4. Add some property fields, e.g. id="name", Label="Name", Type="String", Filter=checked

Test the App

Open your new app in the "App" tab (the app is only visible in the defined scope).

The web GUI supports CSV data upload, if this is enabled for the entity (checkbox).

Entity / Document Model


Data types (and their Web GUI mapping)

  • String (simple input fields)
  • String QR/Barcode (input field with QR and barcode scanner)
  • Text (multi line input fields)
  • Number (simple input fields)
  • Boolean (checkboxes)
  • Date (date picker)
  • Select with an option array (pull down of values)
  • DocMap master-detail reference (link to filtered docs)
  • SelectRef to other entity (pull down of ids)
  • MultiSelectRef to other entity (pull down of ids)
  • UUID auto generated, if field name is id this will be the collection id
  • Metrics link to a metrics (time series data) for this entity id
  • JSON (Multi Line Edit)
  • Link(simple input fields, will take placeholders)
  • Event (link to send an event. Ref can have a simple condition to render the link, e.g. "status == ready" or "status != in progress,done")

So relations are

  • 1:n = DocMap
  • n:1 = SelectRef
  • n:m = MultiSelectRef

Entity Ids must be alphanumeric, min length is 2.

Property features:

  • you can select a property for the data table filter
  • you can define a property as "API managed", means zou will see it only in the table, but there is no input available in the add/change GUI form

Important: The entity id scope is globally within a top level scope between apps. This enables different views on the same data in different apps (if different apps have the same entity, but different properties). But: Please choose your entity ids wisely, if you don't want this behavior.

For JSON properties sub-elements can be defined with a dot-notation (e.g. "MyJsonProp.MySubField"). Allowed types: 'String', 'Text','Boolean','Date','Select'.

You can "inherit" a new child entity in your app from an existing entity in any app of your root scope. This is initially a 1:1 copy and it can be modified to your needs.

Add New Root Scope (aka "Tenant")

This should be done via API ... but it's simple:

const axios  = require( 'axios' )
let result = await axios.post( 
  'http://localhost:8888/app/adapter/scope', // or whatever you've configured
    name          : 'ROOD SCOPE NAME',
    adminEmail    : 'FOR NEW ADMIN USER',
    adminPassword : 'FOR NEW ADMIN USER', 
    apiId         : 'FOR NEW API CREDENTIALS',
    apiKey        : 'FOR NEW API CREDENTIALS',
    owner         : 'SOME NAME'
  { headers:  { 'provisioning-key': 'PROVISIONING KEY' } } 

The new admin credentials are required, since the app can't send out emails (yet).

The API credentials can be used to bootstrap the new tenant and create apps, their entities and upload some initial data documents.

A new tenant (root scope) can also be added via GUI. The user must be in the SUPER_TENANT_ADMIN list (comma separated user ids). In the add scope form simple put a # into the scope id.

Entities with State

Entities can be attached to a "State Model".

The state model defines all states and the allowed transitions and their action name. State models can be created or customized in the browser.

For all actions you select the properties which need to be set in the state transition. In the GUI the user get entity create form(s) and action links for the state changes. Forms will be generated for each action to change the selected properties.


For the action you can also define default values for properties. If the property is not selected for the action but has a default value, this value is set always.

The default value for "select", "selectRef" and "multiSelectRef" properties can contain a condition to filter the allowed options, e.g.: color $eq 'red'. Currently only $eq is allowed. The compared values can be a String (in single quotes) or a property. The left value is prioritized taken from the select values and the right from the entity default values. For "select" the condition can be val $eq ....

A CSV upload for the "create" action is available.



Adapters and connectors can use ReST APIs, see API and Format Reference Docu.

In the app manager you can export the Swagger/OpenAPI API spec file.

Event Hub

Adapters can subscribe to data events, to start processes or sync the data with external systems.

See example code.

GUI Links

Entities can refer to external GUI Apps using links. Placeholders in the links are populated with the entity data.


The GUI framework is easy-web-app/rest-web-ui and the underlying api server is "express".

State Model

State models can be added or customized to your needs.


The start stateId is null.


The persistence uses simple files and a memory cache. This is not recommended for production use.

It should be simple to replace the persistence with a document DB. Simply rewrite some methods in:

OpenID Connect

The implementation brings it's own OIDC auth server.

Have a look into the config files to configure a real OIDC IAM.

The invitation process may need some additional OIDC onboarding flow, if th users aren't already there.

Web Content

Some static doc files, GTC, imprint etc. need to be customized to your needs.

A simple markdown docu can be implemented, as well as a self-service onboarding, see api-content.js.


Simple color scheme changes can be done easily, just focus on the 1st 15 lines in custom.css

Release Notes

See: Changelog


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