0.0.1 • Published 3 years ago

ludex.eco v0.0.1

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3 years ago


Quick.db kullanan yeni ve en iyi Global ekonomi Modülü

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npm i ludex.eco

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  • Balance Command
const discord = require("discord.js");
const client = new discord.Client();

const ecoeasy = require("ludex.eco");
const Economy = new ecoeasy();
let balance = await Economy.balance({
  userId: message.author.id //It can be any users ID
message.channel.send("Your balance: " + balance.money);
//-> "Your balance: 0"
  • Work Command
const discord = require("discord.js");
const client = new discord.Client();

const ecoeasy = require("ludex.eco");
const Economy = new ecoeasy();

let work = await Economy.work({
  userId: message.author.id, //It can be any users ID
  workMoney: 500, //Amount of money between 1-500
  workJobs: ["Job1", "Job2"] //Optional. Default: ["Chef", "Cashier", "Teacher", "Programmer"]
  "You have worked as a " + `work.job` + " and got " + work.amount + "$"
//-> "You have worked as a Job1 and got 1-500$"
  • addMoney Command
const discord = require("discord.js");
const client = new discord.Client();

const ecoeasy = require("ludex.eco");
const Economy = new ecoeasy();
let addMoney = await Economy.addMoney({
  userId: message.author.id, //It can be any users ID
  amountMoney: 69 //Can be any amount
message.channel.send("I have added to your balance " + addMoney.amount + "$");
//-> "I have added to your balance 69$"
  • removeMoney Command
const discord = require("discord.js");
const client = new discord.Client();

const ecoeasy = require("ludex.eco");
const Economy = new ecoeasy();
let removeMoney = await Economy.removeMoney({
  userId: message.author.id, //It can be any users ID
  amountMoney: 69 //Can be any amount
  "I have added to your balance " + removeMoney.amount + "$"
//-> "I have added to your balance 69$"
  • setMoney Command
const discord = require("discord.js");
const client = new discord.Client();

const ecoeasy = require("ludex.eco");
const Economy = new ecoeasy();
let setMoney = await Economy.setMoney({
  userId: message.author.id, //It can be any users ID
  amountMoney: 69 //Can be any amount
message.channel.send("I have set your balance to " + removeMoney.amount + "$");
//-> "I have set your balance to 69$"
  • resetMoney Command
const discord = require("discord.js");
const client = new discord.Client();

const ecoeasy = require("ludex.eco");
const Economy = new ecoeasy();
let setMoney = await Economy.resetMoney({
  userId: message.author.id //It can be any users ID
message.channel.send("I have reset your balance, you are now back to 0$");
//-> "I have reset your balance, you are now back to 0$"
  • pay Command
const discord = require("discord.js");
const client = new discord.Client();

const ecoeasy = require("ludex.eco");
const Economy = new ecoeasy();
let pay = await Economy.pay({
  userId: message.author.id, //It can be any users ID
  usertoPay: "secondUser", //The second user to give the money to
  amountMoney: 69
message.channel.send(`You have paid secondUser ${pay.amount}$`);
//-> "You have paid secondUser 69$"
  • search Command
const discord = require("discord.js");
const client = new discord.Client();

const ecoeasy = require("ludex.eco");
const Economy = new ecoeasy();
if (message.content.startsWith("!search")) {
  let search = await Economy.search({
    userId: message.author.id,
    searchMoney: 500,
    searchPlace: ["Place1", "Place2"]
    `You have search in ${search.place} and got ${search.amount}$`
  //-> "You have searched in Place1 and got 200$""
  • beg Command
const discord = require("discord.js");
const client = new discord.Client();

const ecoeasy = require("ludex.eco");
const Economy = new ecoeasy();
if (message.content.startsWith("!beg")) {
  let beg = await Economy.beg({
    userId: message.author.id,
    begMoney: 500,
    begPeople: ["Person1", "Person2"]
  message.channel.send(`${beg.people}: Here take ${beg.amount}$`);
  //-> Person1: Here take 200$