0.1.2 • Published 6 years ago

lumeneo-walletd-ha v0.1.2

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Lumeneo Walletd High-Availability Wrapper

This project is designed to wrap the walletd process on a *nix system and monitor it for hangups, locks, and etc that cause the wallet to stop responding.

The sample service.js is includes a VERY basic example of how the wrapper can be used. For all options, please continue reading as it provides a VERY robust interface.

It also provides easy access to the walletd RPC API via native Javascript Promises.

Table of Contents

  1. To Do
  2. Dependencies
  3. Easy Start
  4. Keep it Running
  5. Documentation
    1. Methods
    2. Events
    3. Walletd RPC API Interface
    4. WebSocket Connections

To Do

  1. After the wallet container is synced, compare the wallet height to the network_height of the daemon (or public node) to detect if the wallet is out of sync.


Easy Start

You must copy walletd into the walletd-ha folder for the easy start process to occur.

git clone https://github.com/lumeneo-network/lumeneo-walletd-ha.git
cd lumeneo-walletd-ha
cp <walletd> .
./walletd -g -w container.walletd
npm i & node service.js

It is highly recommended that you create a container with a password and pass that into the wrapper. For your own security, please make sure that you use passwords for both the RPC server and the container itself. To do otherwise will fill you with regret.

Keep it Running

I'm a big fan of PM2 so if you don't have it installed, the setup is simple.

npm install -g pm2

pm2 startup
pm2 install pm2-logrotate

pm2 start service.js --watch --name walletd
pm2 save



Practically all of the walletd command line arguments are exposed in the constructor method. Simply include them in your list of options to activate or use them. Default values are defined below. As always, please use values that make sense for your implementation.

There are a lot of different options available so reading through the full list is to your advantage.

var wallet = new Walletd({
  appName: 'default', // This defines an application name used to store some settings.
  pollingInterval: 10, // Check to make sure that walletd is alive every x seconds
  maxPollingFailures: 3, // After the polling checks fail x times, report the walletd process down
  saveInterval: 10, // issue an automatic save request every x seconds as long as the wallet is synced
  scanInterval: 5, // scan the wallet for new transactions every x seconds as long as the wallet is synced
  timeout: 2000, // consider RPC calls timed out after x milliseconds
  path: './walletd', // the path to the walletd binary
  enableWebSocket: true, // enable the WebSocket server at bindPort + 1

  // Standard walletd options start here
  config: false, // the path to a walletd config file -- if you so choose
  bindAddress: '', // The IP address that walletd will bind to
  bindPort: 8070, // The port that walletd will bind to
  rpcPassword: false, // You really should use an RPC password
  rpcLegacySecurity: false, // Turning this to true, removes the requirement for a RPC password, either rpcPassword or rpcLegacySecurity MUST be set
  containerFile: false, // The path to your walletd container file
  containerPassword: false, // The password to your walletd container file
  logFile: false, // The path to the log file you would like walletd to keep
  logLevel: 4, // The log level to use with walletd
  syncFromZero: false, // If set to true, will tell walletd to always sync the container from zero.
  daemonRpcAddress: '', // Daemon RPC IP Address (if your daemon doesn't use or -- you really need to change this)
  daemonRpcPort: 11898, // Daemon RPC port

  // RPC API default values
  defaultMixin: 3, // the default mixin to use for transactions
  defaultFee: 0.1, // the default transaction fee for transactions
  defaultBlockCount: 1, // the default number of blocks when blockCount is required
  decimalDivisor: 100, // Currency has many decimal places?
  defaultFirstBlockIndex: 1, // the default first block index we will use when it is required
  defaultUnlockTime: 0, // the default unlockTime for transactions
  defaultFusionThreshold: 10000000, // the default fusionThreshold for fusion transactions



Starts walletd and starts monitoring the process.



Stops walletd and halts all monitoring processes.



If you really must write text to the actual walletd console, you can do so with this method. You'll need to parse the output of the data event as defined below.



Event - alive

This event is fired initially when the underlying walletd process is detected as being alive. It will also fire when it comes back alive after the process has been restarted. In addition, it will fire on the websocket connection after a successful authentication if the service is indeed alive.

wallet.on('alive', () => {
  // do something

Event - close

This event is fired when the underlying walletd process closes, dies, is killed for whatever reason. Usually, when this occurs we want to restart the process with wallet.start()

wallet.on('close', (exitcode) => {

Event - data

Provides the actual console output of walletd on a per line basis.

wallet.on('data', (data) => {
  // do something

Event - down

This event is fired when we detected that walletd appears down. It means that it is not responding to RPC requests. If you want to make it automatically restart walletd when this occurs, simply wallet.stop() in the event.

wallet.on('down', () => {

Event - error

Provides the event for when an error event is encountered. These are bad, something isn't working right.

wallet.on('error', (err) => {
  // do something

Event - info

Provides the event for when an informational event is encountered.

wallet.on('info', (info) => {
  // do something

Event - save

This event is fired every save interval.

wallet.on('save', () => {
  // do something

Event - scan

This event is fired every scan interval to let us know that the service is currently scanning blocks for transactions that we need to handle.

wallet.on('scan', (fromBlock, toBlock) => {
  // do something

Event - status

This event is fired every polling cycle. It returns the equivalent of the walletd getStatus API call.

wallet.on('status', (status) => {
  // do something

Example Data

  "blockCount": 491136,
  "knownBlockCount": 491137,
  "lastBlockHash": "bc25f55db114fbe99720cb776b2c3b4787803edf1fb4cdd1851772087113b8eb",
  "peerCount": 8

Event - synced

This event is fired when walletd is fully synchronized with the network.

wallet.on('synced', () => {
  // do something

Event - transaction

This event is fired for each transaction that walletd says belongs to us. It contains the information for each transfer in the transaction rolled up into a single object for each transfer with one small addition of inbound which is a boolean. It will only fire for the portion(s) of the transaction where the transfer belong to the wallet container.

Special Note: Any and all amounts/fees will already be in HUMAN readable units. DO NOT DIVIDE THEM AGAIN unless you've specified decimalDivisor as 1 in the options. You have been warned.

wallet.on('transaction', (transaction) => {
  // do something very useful

Example Data

  "blockHash": "f98d6bbe80a81b3aa0aebd004096e2223524f58f347a1f21be122450f244b948",
  "transactionAmount": 10,
  "blockIndex": 469419,
  "extra": "014fa15a893c92e040fc97c8bda6d811685a269309b37ad444755099cbed6d8438",
  "fee": 0.1,
  "isBase": false,
  "paymentId": "",
  "state": 0,
  "timestamp": 1526876765,
  "transactionHash": "d01e448f7b631cebd989e3a150258b0da59c66f96adecec392bbf61814310751",
  "address": "TRTLv2MXbzaPYVYqtdNwYpKY7azcVjBjsETN188BpKwi2q83NibqJWtFYL9CHxpWph2wCPZcJ6tkPfUxVZcUN8xmYsSDJYpcE3D",
  "amount": 10,
  "type": 0,
  "unlockTime": 0,
  "inbound": true

Event - warning

Provides the event for when a warning event is encountered. These are warnings saying that it might still work but you really should fix whatever the problem is.

wallet.on('warning', (warn) => {
 // do something

Walletd RPC API Interface

As we can actually run this wrapper inside another nodeJS project, we expose all of the walletd RPC API commands via the wallet.api property. Each of the below methods are Javascript Promises. For safety sake, always handle your promise catches as we do use them properly.

Special Note: Any and all amounts/fees will already be in HUMAN readable units. DO NOT DIVIDE THEM AGAIN unless you've specified decimalDivisor as 1 in the options. You have been warned.

Unless otherwise noted, all methods will resolve the promise upon success and sample return data is supplied below. Any errors will reject the promise with an error condition.

Methods noted having options have parameters that may be optional or required as documented.




Example Data

  "address": "TRTLuxN6FVALYxeAEKhtWDYNS9Vd9dHVp3QHwjKbo76ggQKgUfVjQp8iPypECCy3MwZVyu89k1fWE2Ji6EKedbrqECHHWouZN6g",
  "amount": 5000


Example Data

  "viewSecretKey": "12345678901234567890"



options.address: Public Wallet Address - required

Example Data

  "spendPublicKey": "9e50b808f1e2522b7c6feddd8e2f6cdcd89ff33b623412de2061d78c84588eff33b6d9",
  "spendSecretKey": "c6639a75a37f63f92e2f096fa262155c943b4fdc243ffb02b8178ab960bb5d0f"



options.address: Public Wallet Address - required

Example Data

river nudged peculiar ailments waking null tossed anchor erase jive eavesdrop veered truth wield stacking tattoo unplugs oven wipeout aptitude estate dazed observant oxygen oxygen


Example Data

  "blockCount": 491214,
  "knownBlockCount": 491215,
  "lastBlockHash": "fc33b0fcdb8a3ed8e2de3cb36df325d67e9926d59f02d164baacf3ddefe8df12",
  "peerCount": 8


Example Data




options.secretSpendKey: Address secret spend key - optional

options.publicSpendKey: Address public spend key - optional

Note: Both secretSpendKey and publicSpendKey are optional; however, you can only supply one or the other. Both are given below as examples.

Example Data

  "address": "TRTLv3rnGMvAdUUPZZxUmm2jSe8j9U4EfXoAzT3NByLTKD4foK6JuH2FYL9CHxpWph2wCPZcJ6tkPfUxVZcUN8xmYsSDJYidUqc"



options.address: Public address to delete - required



options.address: Public address - optional

Example Data

  "availableBalance": 60021.54,
  "lockedAmount": 0



options.firstBlockIndex: The height to start with - required

options.blockCount: How many blocks to return at maximum - required

Example Data

  "blockHashes": [



options.addresses: Array of public addresses to scan for - optional

options.blockHash: Block hash to scan optional/required

options.firstBlockIndex: The height to start with - optional/required

options.blockCount: How many blocks to return at maximum - required

options.paymendId: Payment ID to scan for - optional

Note: Only one of either blockHash or firstBlockIndex may be supplied, but not both.

Example Data

  "items": [
      "blockHash": "f98d6bbe80a81b3aa0aebd004096e2223524f58f347a1f21be122450f244b948",
      "transactionHashes": [



options.addresses: Array of public addresses to scan for - optional

options.blockHash: Block hash to scan optional/required

options.firstBlockIndex: The height to start with - optional/required

options.blockCount: How many blocks to return at maximum - required

options.paymendId: Payment ID to scan for - optional

Note: Only one of either blockHash or firstBlockIndex may be supplied, but not both.

Example Data

    "blockHash": "f98d6bbe80a81b3aa0aebd004096e2223524f58f347a1f21be122450f244b948",
    "transactionAmount": 10.5,
    "blockIndex": 469419,
    "extra": "014fa15a893c92e040fc97c8bda6d811685a269309b37ad444755099cbed6d8438",
    "fee": 0.1,
    "isBase": false,
    "paymentId": "",
    "state": 0,
    "timestamp": 1526876765,
    "transactionHash": "d01e448f7b631cebd989e3a150258b0da59c66f96adecec392bbf61814310751",
    "address": "TRTLv2MXbzaPYVYqtdNwYpKY7azcVjBjsETN188BpKwi2q83NibqJWtFYL9CHxpWph2wCPZcJ6tkPfUxVZcUN8xmYsSDJYpcE3D",
    "amount": 10.5,
    "type": 0,
    "unlockTime": 0,
    "inbound": true



options.addresses: Array of public address to scan for - optional

Example Data

  "transactionHashes": [


Special Note: Any and all amounts/fees will already be in HUMAN readable units. DO NOT DIVIDE AMOUNTS AGAIN unless you've specified decimalDivisor as 1 in the options. You have been warned.


options.transactionHash: The hash of the transaction - required

Example Data

  "transaction": {
    "amount": 10,
    "blockIndex": 469419,
    "extra": "014fa15a893c92e040fc97c8bda6d811685a269309b37ad444755099cbed6d8438",
    "fee": 0.1,
    "isBase": false,
    "paymentId": "",
    "state": 0,
    "timestamp": 1526876765,
    "transactionHash": "d01e448f7b631cebd989e3a150258b0da59c66f96adecec392bbf61814310751",
    "transfers": [
        "address": "TRTLv2MXbzaPYVYqtdNwYpKY7azcVjBjsETN188BpKwi2q83NibqJWtFYL9CHxpWph2wCPZcJ6tkPfUxVZcUN8xmYsSDJYpcE3D",
        "amount": 10,
        "type": 0
        "address": "",
        "amount": -20,
        "type": 0
        "address": "",
        "amount": 9.9,
        "type": 0
    "unlockTime": 0

wallet.api.newTransfer(address, amount)

This method creates a transfer object designed to be used with wallet.api.sendTransaction

Special Note: Any and all amounts/fees will already be in HUMAN readable units. DO NOT SUPPLY NATIVE CURRENCY AMOUNTS unless you've specified decimalDivisor as 1 in the options. You have been warned.


Special Note: Any and all amounts/fees will already be in HUMAN readable units. DO NOT SUPPLY NATIVE CURRENCY AMOUNTS unless you've specified decimalDivisor as 1 in the options. You have been warned.


options.addresses: Array of addresses to use for the inputs - optional

options.transfers: Array of transfer objects (see wallet.api.newTransfer) to send funds to - required

options.fee: Fee we are willing to pay for the transaction. Ex: 0.1 - optional

options.unlockTime: Blockheight to unlock the transaction at, the UTC timestamp, or 0 for now. - optional

options.mixin: Mixins to use - optional

options.extra: Extra data to put in the transaction - optional

options.paymentId: The payment ID for the transaction - optional

options.changeAddress: Where to send any change from the transaction to. If not specified, the first address in the wallet container is used. - optional

Example Data

  "transactionHash": "93faedc8b8a80a084a02dfeffd163934746c2163f23a1b6022b32423ec9ae08f"


Special Note: Any and all amounts/fees will already be in HUMAN readable units. DO NOT SUPPLY NATIVE CURRENCY AMOUNTS unless you've specified decimalDivisor as 1 in the options. You have been warned.


options.addresses: Array of addresses to use for the inputs - optional

options.transfers: Array of transfer objects (see wallet.api.newTransfer) to send funds to - required

options.fee: Fee we are willing to pay for the transaction. Ex: 0.1 - optional

options.unlockTime: Blockheight to unlock the transaction at, the UTC timestamp, or 0 for now. - optional

options.mixin: Mixins to use - optional

options.extra: Extra data to put in the transaction - optional

options.paymentId: The payment ID for the transaction - optional

options.changeAddress: Where to send any change from the transaction to. If not specified, the first address in the wallet container is used. - optional

Example Data

  "transactionHash": "93faedc8b8a80a084a02dfeffd163934746c2163f23a1b6022b32423ec9ae08f"


Example Data

  "transactionHashes": [



options.transactionHash: The hash of the transaction - required



options.transactionHash: The hash of the transaction - required



options.threshold: The minimum fusion threshold amount - optional

options.mixin: Mixins to use - optional

options.addresses: Array of addresses to use for the inputs - optional

options.destinationAddress: The address to send the fusion transaction to - optional/required

Note: If the container has only one address or addressess consists of one address, then destinationAddress need not be supplied. Otherwise, destinationAddress is required.

Example Data

  "transactionHash": "93faedc8b8a80a084a02dfeffd163934746c2163f23a1b6022b32423ec9ae08f"



options.threshold: The minimum fusion threshold amount - optional

options.addresses: Array of addresses to use for the inputs - optional

Example Data

  "fusionReadyCount": 0,
  "totalOutputCount": 19

WebSocket Connections

A WebSocket socket.io server is initialized if enableWebSocket is true in the initialization of the module. The server is created on the bindPort specified + 1.

This server requires that the client authenticates otherwise you will not receive any of the below events aside from the challenge event. Authentication must occur within 10 seconds or the socket will be disconnected.

If the nonce column is Yes you may send a nonce in the payload in addition to the options defined.

Client Initiated Events

EventJSON PayloadNonce HonoredPayload
challengeNoNostring sha256 hash of password
resetYesYesSee wallet.api.reset()
saveYesYesSee wallet.api.save()
getFeeInfoYesYesSee wallet.api.getFeeInfo()
getViewKeyYesYesSee wallet.api.getViewKey()
getSpendKeysYesYesSee wallet.api.getSpendKeys(options)
getMnemonicSeedYesYesSee wallet.api.getMnemonicSeed(options)(#walletapigetmnemonicseed
getStatusYesYesSee wallet.api.getStatus()
getAddressesYesYesSee wallet.api.getAddresses()
createAddressYesYesSee wallet.api.createAddress(options)
deleteAddressYesYesSee wallet.api.deleteAddress(options)
getBalanceYesYesSee wallet.api.getBalance(options)
getBlockHashesYesYesSee wallet.api.getBlockHashes(options)
getTransactionHashesYesYesSee wallet.api.getTransactionHashes(options)
getTransactionsYesYesSee wallet.api.getTransactions(options)
getUnconfirmedTransactionHashesYesYesSee wallet.api.getUnconfirmedTransactionHashes(options)
getTransactionYesYesSee wallet.api.getTransaction(options)
newTransferYesYesSee wallet.api.newTransfer(options)
sendTransactionYesYesSee wallet.api.sendTransaction(options)
createDelayedTransactionYesYesSee wallet.api.createDelayedTransaction(options)
getDelayedTransactionHashesYesYesSee wallet.api.getDelayedTransactionHashes(options)
deleteDelayedTransactionYesYesSee wallet.api.deleteDelayedTransaction(options)
sendDelayedTransactionYesYesSee wallet.api.sendDelayedTransaction(options)
sendFusionTransactionYesYesSee wallet.api.sendFusionTransaction(options)
estimateFusionYesYesSee wallet.api.estimateFusion(options)

Note: Passing an invalid password will disconnect the socket.

Server Initiated Events

EventAuthentication RequiredPayload
challengeNoboolean Always true
aliveYesSee Event - alive
closeYesSee Event - close
dataYesSee Event - data
downYesSee Event - down
errorYesSee Event - error
infoYesSee Event - info
saveYesSee Event - save
scanYesSee Event - scan
statusYesSee Event - status
syncedYesSee Event - synced
transactionYesSee Event - transaction
warningYesSee Event - warning

Server Responses

All responses except for auth return data in the same format.

  "nonce": 123456,
  "data": <payload>
authNoboolean Responds to a client initiated challenge event. If true the password was correct. If it was wrong you'll know soon enough.
resetYesSee wallet.api.reset()
saveYesSee wallet.api.save()
getFeeInfoYesSee wallet.api.getFeeInfo()
getViewKeyYesSee wallet.api.getViewKey()
getSpendKeysYesSee wallet.api.getSpendKeys(options)
getMnemonicSeedYesSee wallet.api.getMnemonicSeed(options)
getStatusYesSee wallet.api.getStatus()
getAddressesYesSee wallet.api.getAddresses()
createAddressYesSee wallet.api.createAddress(options)
deleteAddressYesSee wallet.api.deleteAddress(options)
getBalanceYesSee wallet.api.getBalance(options)
getBlockHashesYesSee wallet.api.getBlockHashes(options)
getTransactionHashesYesSee wallet.api.getTransactionHashes(options)
getTransactionsYesSee wallet.api.getTransactions(options)
getUnconfirmedTransactionHashesYesSee wallet.api.getUnconfirmedTransactionHashes(options)
getTransactionYesSee wallet.api.getTransaction(options)
newTransferYesSee wallet.api.newTransfer(options)
sendTransactionYesSee wallet.api.sendTransaction(options)
createDelayedTransactionYesSee wallet.api.createDelayedTransaction(options)
getDelayedTransactionHashesYesSee wallet.api.getDelayedTransactionHashes(options)
deleteDelayedTransactionYesSee wallet.api.deleteDelayedTransaction(options)
sendDelayedTransactionYesSee wallet.api.sendDelayedTransaction(options)
sendFusionTransactionYesSee wallet.api.sendFusionTransaction(options)
estimateFusionYesSee wallet.api.estimateFusion(options)


Copyright (C) 2018 Brandon Lehmann, The TurtleCoin Developers

Please see the included LICENSE file for more information.