1.0.9 • Published 2 years ago

luna_charts v1.0.9

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Last release
2 years ago

LUNA Charts

Table of contents


Luna was my family dog. LUNA Charts is an acronym and stands for Library for Userfriendly 'N Accessible Charts. It is a component library for creating accessible charts. The package has three built-in charts:

  • LineChart
  • BarChart
  • PieChart

Important: The package is still in process

How to install

npm i luna_charts

How to use

For example pie chart:

import PieChart from 'luna_charts/src/components/PieChart.svelte';
import type { PieSeries, PieSlice } from 'luna_charts/types/series/PieSeries.Type';
import type {ChartInfo} from 'luna_charts/types/attributes/ChartInfo.types';

export let chartInfo: ChartInfo = {
  title: "A typical Pie chart",
  desc: "This is a accessible description. Your screenreader will read it for you.",
  source: "https://www.w3.org"
} as ChartInfo

const pieSlices: PieSlice[] = [
    name: 'Firefox',
    percent: 0.35,
    color: 'ff0000',
    name: 'Chrome',
    percent: 0.35,
    color: 'ffff00',
    name: 'Safari',
    percent: 0.2,
    color: 'ffffff',
    name: 'IE',
    percent: 0.1,
    color: '000000',

export const testPieSeries: PieSeries = {
  slices: pieSlices,

<PieChart chartInfo="{chartInfo}" series="{testPieSeries}" \>

How to edit a chart

LUNA Charts offers you some ready-made data types for editing charts.

// defines the description, title and source
import type {ChartInfo} from '../types/attributes/ChartInfo.types';

export let chartInfo: ChartInfo = {
  title: "Revenue of three big companies",
  desc: "The bar chart shows the revenue for Apple, Google and Microsoft divided in the seasons.",
  source: "https://www.w3.org"
} as ChartInfo

If you want to change the labels for the axis, then you can use the data type Labels. Note: The pie chart hat no labels attribut. Example:

// defines the different labels for the axis
import {type Labels} from '../types/attributes/Labels.type';

export let labels: Labels = {x: "Seasons", y: "Euro in million", secondY: ''} as Labels;

You are not good at math? Don´t worry! With Series, LUNA will render for you every number. You need only to choose the right data type: If you want to change the labels for the axis, then you can use the data type Labels. Note: The pie chart hat no labels attribut. Example:

// Prepare the series for the BarChart
import type { BarSeries, BarValues, Bar } from '../types/series/BarSeries.type';

const appleBarValues: BarValues[] = [
    value: 10,
    ariaLabel: 'The revenue in 2020 for Apple is: ',
    value: 20,
    ariaLabel: 'The revenue in 2021 for Apple is: ',

const appleRevenue: Bar = {
  name: 'Apple',
  barValues: appleBarValues,

export const testBarSeries: BarSeries = {
  series: [appleRevenue],
  category: ['2020', '2021'],

Set width and height with dimension:

import type {Dimension} from '../types/attributes/Dimension.type';

export let dimension: Dimension = {width: "800", height: "300"} as Dimension;

Do you need more contrast? Then do this:

<LineChart hatchPatterns="true" />

Use themes

Ok, that sound good! But how i can change the color or other stuff of the chart? Also here LUNA provides suitable data types:

import { HATCH_PATTERNS } from '../types/theme/Hatch.type.ts';
import { CONTRAST_COLORS } from '../types/theme/Theme.type.ts';
import type { BarTheme } from '../types/theme/Theme.type';

export const defaultBarTheme: BarTheme = {
  name: 'barDefaultTheme',
  focusColor: '#66ff99',
  wrapperStyles: {
    backgroundColor: '#F7F7F7',
  grid: {
    gridColor: '',
    gridSize: '',

Please note, every chart has it own theme.


We document our charts in Storybook. For more detailed information run:

npm run storybook


You want to see, how the charts look likes? Click here

Known problems

If you install the package in a svelte project, add the following line in your tsconfig.json:

  "extends": "@tsconfig/svelte/tsconfig.json",

  "include": ["src/**/*","node_modules/luna_charts/src/**/*"],
  "exclude": ["__sapper__/*", "public/*"]

Svelte need to compile the charts in the luna_package package too.